1. Find a "common interest" activity to meet people in "real life" but in a non-romantic setting. Suggestions:
Volunteer as a docent at a museum that has subjects you know a lot about.
Volunteer at some sort of restoration project (for example: I used to help out at the Pacific Locomotive Association restoring steam engines).
Go on hikes with a group, the Sierra club does these occasionally, see if there's a local nature or preservation org in your area that does something like this.
These let you show off your intelligence and personality similar to the way you can do it on-line without it being overtly romantic. Let the interest and connection grow in a non-pressured way.
2. Self confidence builders. Start walking, and eat one meal less a day. Yes, this is a comment on extra weight. However, it's not about what you do or don't loose in pounds, it's the empowerment that you ARE doing something positive. The self-confidence and feeling of control are what matters, not the pounds.
3. Start saving money in a "date fund". Not for your first date, but for your 4th-5th when you really want to impress someone (we are talking a NICE dinner and a live show of some sort). Have that money ready, and in cash. Even if you only save $10 a week it'll add up. This is another confidence builder.
All of these things might also help you seem like you are being more active to your mother and might get her off your back.
Finally: Whatever you do: DO NOT LIE about your situation. Yes, it will kill a few prospects, but better to just not start than to start and have to re-start later when the deceptions come to light.
Good luck.