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Letter to my anti-war senator

/\ This turd thinks that if all the joos just packed up their little valices and shipped out on a boat to anywhere that all the muslim scum jihadis would suddenly stop their Jihad and live in peace and harmony for ever and ever, amen.

What a schmuck!
Atlas_Collins said:
/\ This turd thinks that if all the joos just packed up their little valices and shipped out on a boat to anywhere that all the muslim scum jihadis would suddenly stop their Jihad and live in peace and harmony for ever and ever, amen.

What a schmuck!
Damn. Well I didn't mean to be that harsh, but you did deserve it. I don't care for any religion which isn't confined in a church, mosque, or temple, but yours seems like thinly-vieled racism. This isn't inherently wrong, because I view the crusades and the conquest of Byzantine as a race war masked as being religious. If you feel that a danger comes from Arabs (Not putting words in your mouth) than that's fine.

Now tell me about how much Turkey is a danger to the Western world. Surely if Islam is the misanthropic enemy, then Turkey as an Islamic nation must also pose the same grave threat.

I do think that if joos weren't around there would be a lot less problems. Joos have contributed so much to so many fields, yet a MAFIA controls America and diverts cash which could goddamn-well be used to fix roads, and hides behind a Star of David.

Islam's most virulent form is not anymore worse than Christianities worst form, and especially not Judiasm's worst form.

And if we're going to judge people by religion, let's understand where they're coming from. Islam is a religion which has been oppressed by the first world, and all roads in this oppression lead to ISRAEL. Your stance is completely appropriate for someone who might not be too concerned with the stinking pile of shit Israel has been since its birth, but I assure you that it has not been the same spic & span example of a nation we here about in the news.

Here are two videos I've posted, and I'll post them again. I'm guessing you've made more than one comment directed towards me, possibly because of my calling you an idiot or something. Please understand that I personally find you very abrasive and ignorant towards Realpolitik in regards to this topic.


You see this, fellow American citizen? It is the apex of white military technology. The Ohio class submarine can turn a country, with it's 24 Trident SLBMs, into a pile of debris. No, the Soviet Union was bad, but these rag-heads are 10 times worse! 100 times more dangerous!

I find it hilarious that someone as passionately pro-white and Anti-Semitic (Anti-preference towards Jews) as me would be defending the pitiful, downtrodden A-rabs. But I suppose these cave-dwellers are the enemies of Jews, and thus, the enemy of America.
I can't view your videos here - I'll check them later.

As for my "thinly-vieled racism". I'm a Scot. All other peoples are inferior.

As for Islam - I don't care if the individual muslim is an arab, a nigger, a wog, a chink or a blond-haired blue-eyed scion of the Master Race - they're ALL muslim scum and must either renounce the hideously evil ideology of Islam or be exterminated.

It is ISLAM that is the problem, not necessarily the muslims who are enslaved by it.

>" Islam's most virulent form is not anymore worse than Christianities worst form, and especially not Judiasm's worst form. "

Yes it is - it is FAR worse. Islam specifically sanctions violence to spread it's creed - Christianity or Judaism do not. Islam specifically names death as the punishment for apostacy - Christianity or Judaism do not. Christianity and Judaism have experience a Reformation which separated Canonical Law from secualr Law - Islam has not.

Islam is an ideology, not a religion, and like other totalitarian ideologies it must be utterly destroyed and discredited in the name of Liberty.

PS. You can call me an idiot anytime you wish - such never bothers me. ;)
(Thanks. Watch those clips at your convenience. If you are remotely interested, I can direct you to something... longer)

I see. Do you mean to judge all Muslims by the actions of the most extreme adherents of the religion? I find a fault in your idea that Islam is the enemy of all mankind because there are many examples which show that moderate Islam, like moderate Christianity, does not interfere with state machinations.

Many Muslim scholars do not approve of suicide under any circumstances, yet the more extreme examples of it welcome it. Christianity was warped a number of times in order to serve the ambitions of those who wished to pluck the Earth like a ripe fruit.

Do you mean that 1 billion Muslims should be converted or turned atheist?

As for Judiasm/Talmudism, it is far worse than anything imaginable. In its most extreme forms, all Gentiles are cattle, it is OK to cheat a gentile, to kill a gentile. Nothing about spreading Judiasm by a sword or cannon, but certainly nothing about treating other humans as they were humans (gentiles are no better than livestock, apparently). But I digress.
Messenger said:
I see. Do you mean to judge all Muslims by the actions of the most extreme adherents of the religion?

Yes. You are under the impression that jihadis represent the "extreme" or "radical fringe" of Islam. They do not. They represent the "pure core" of Islam, and according to koran and hadith the "mujer" (jihadi) and the "shahid" (dead jihadi) are "good muslims".

I find a fault in your idea that Islam is the enemy of all mankind because there are many examples which show that moderate Islam, like moderate Christianity, does not interfere with state machinations.

There is no such thing as "moderate" Islam.

[ine is violence and warfare specifically condoned to spread the gospel - in Islam jihad warfare to spread Islam is specifically ordered by Mohammed himself - and it is a fact that every single country that today is "Islamic" (except Malaysia) was at one time invaded by slavering hordes of muslim jihadis who converted the populace at the point of a sword.

Do you mean that 1 billion Muslims should be converted or turned atheist?

Did we not "de-nazify" 70-odd million Germans after WWII?

As for Judiasm/Talmudism, it is far worse than anything imaginable. In its most extreme forms, all Gentiles are cattle, it is OK to cheat a gentile, to kill a gentile. Nothing about spreading Judiasm by a sword or cannon, but certainly nothing about treating other humans as they were humans (gentiles are no better than livestock, apparently). But I digress.

So we're goyyim? Who cares? At least the jews don't want to slice your head off if you refuse to submit to Yahweh.
Messenger said:
I see. Do you mean to judge all Muslims by the actions of the most extreme adherents of the religion?

Yes. You are under the impression that jihadis represent the "extreme" or "radical fringe" of Islam. They do not. They represent the "pure core" of Islam, and according to koran and hadith the "mujer" (jihadi) and the "shahid" (dead jihadi) are "good muslims".

I find a fault in your idea that Islam is the enemy of all mankind because there are many examples which show that moderate Islam, like moderate Christianity, does not interfere with state machinations.

There is no such thing as "moderate" Islam.

Many Muslim scholars do not approve of suicide under any circumstances, yet the more extreme examples of it welcome it.

They are either liars or ignorant of the doctrines and tenets of Islam. Probably they are practicing deceit to "kufir" as this is sanctioned within the koran.

Christianity was warped a number of times in order to serve the ambitions of those who wished to pluck the Earth like a ripe fruit.

What's your point? No where within the christian doctrine is violence and warfare specifically condoned to spread the gospel - in Islam jihad warfare to spread Islam is specifically ordered by Mohammed himself - and it is a fact that every single country that today is "Islamic" (except Malaysia) was at one time invaded by slavering hordes of muslim jihadis who converted the populace at the point of a sword.

Do you mean that 1 billion Muslims should be converted or turned atheist?

Did we not "de-nazify" 70-odd million Germans after WWII?

As for Judiasm/Talmudism, it is far worse than anything imaginable. In its most extreme forms, all Gentiles are cattle, it is OK to cheat a gentile, to kill a gentile. Nothing about spreading Judiasm by a sword or cannon, but certainly nothing about treating other humans as they were humans (gentiles are no better than livestock, apparently). But I digress.

So we're goyyim? Who cares? At least the jews don't want to slice your head off if you refuse to submit to Yahweh.