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Liberals and Israel


New member
Liberal Silence on Gaza

It occurs to me watching the silence on the various liberal blogs that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the only subject about which liberals fear to comment.

This is not because folks do not have feelings on the issue. It is rather because those holding rightwing views on this issue still think of themselves as progressives and still populate these blogs. That is fine.

However, it is worth stating that those who can sit back and watch what is happening in Gaza without a sense of horror are applying a standard they apply to no other international situation.

As a Jew, I understand and feel the ethnic pull toward Israel. In fact, I love the place.

But I do not suspend rational thought when it comes to Israel but rather apply the same standard I apply to this country or any other. It is sickening to see progressives who denounce Bush over Iraq and everything else suddenly jump to defend Ariel Sharon or whoever is Prime Minister of Israel like he was Martin Luther King.
It's not hard to understand why no one will speak up against Israel's barbarism in Gaza -- for one thing, it means acknowledging that this is the way Israel's government has behaved for a long damn time now, and accounting, each to himself or herself, why voices haven't been raised against this treatment long ago. For another thing, it means both being branded an anti-semite monster if you refuse to keep your mouth shut... and also admitting that a lot of the people who have been branded anti-Semite monsters in the past just may have been right all along.
I just had a thought - Liberals wouldn't have to go through the same intense scrutiny as do conservatives when criticising Israel, because no matter what it has done, all criticism must be first analyzed to ensure that there is absolutely, positively no bias at all.

Then again, most of the time it's not analyzed at all, just dismissed.
Oh, please. If TK ever deserved to be one of those sites, it has long since become relatively harmless.
I dunno. There was a whole lot of holocaust denial here over the past two years or so, and people get thrown in prison for that in some places.
Good point. I should put something in my sig denouncing holocaust denial and anything anti-govt.
Or put something in your sig advocating genocide against an ethnicity that doesn't even exist anyway, thus placing yourself in the light of obvious trolling on the subject.
The Question wrote:

It's not hard to understand why no one will speak up against Israel's barbarism in Gaza -- for one thing, it means acknowledging that this is the way Israel's government has behaved for a long damn time now, and accounting, each to himself or herself, why voices haven't been raised against this treatment long ago.

Should someone tell the Israelis and Palestinians that they look pretty much the same to outsiders, and that their silly squabble is pointless? It's such a tiny speck of land, either live together or fight total war until decisive victory.

The two sides will slowly bleed each other as long as they hate each other more than they love peace.

On the plus side, newspapers will never have to change their headline: "Unrest between Israelis and Palestinians". Neither side wants peace.