Troll Kingdom

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I just now wiped off the flakey chocolate pieces that got stuck on my boobs when I ate my Little Debbie Swiss Cake Roll at 3PM. My time is now 9:29PM.
I thought some of my TGI Friday's Quesadilla Cheese Snack Chips (crisps you Brits) had gotten stuck in there earlier and didn't want my cleavage smelling like those so I reached down in and hunted but didn't find any, but I didn't bother actually looking in there.

So now I'm changing and I notice all these melty chocolate pieces everywhere, looked like dark feces at first. I wonder if I smell like chocolate there now? No signs of Quesadilla Cheese powder, though.
So one night while playing Xbox, I had these choclate truffles that my aunt had given me. Ugh, I could not resist. So anyway, I'm playin, and I don't want to get the controller all choclatey, because they have this very fine powder-so I fucking stuff my face up to the bag to get a truffle out-I dont' care, I'm home alone, its all good right?
Then my husband comes home.
I didn't notice I had any chocolate on my face, I thought I had done it pretty gracefully actually.
He starts laughing at me and wonders why I have all this shit all over my face or something. I go to the mirror to look-it was all over. 0_0
Kind of funny actually.
I think.
Damn those truffles!