Troll Kingdom

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M is drunk


New member

Yes, Messenger is drunk! Finally At Long Last I can be drunk and relax from the headache of paying bills (jUsT fOR TONIGHT THOUGH UNTIL MY STUFF RUNS OUT)

Well, not so much as drunk yet as tipsy.

TQ is cool for posting a video of himself. but luci did NOT WARRANT MENTION.

I miss Wordin.

Sarek is the best sparring partner ever.

Caitriona has to stop making like a beartrap and let in some Messenger lovin'

Hambil must die.

Sardonica needs to get over his bipolarness with me

Jack is cool again and I hope he doesn't let his cunning and ambitions get in the way of our working together

Sendell is a real troll. Deal with it.

There is much, much more to Lord Raffles than meets the eye.

CoyoteUgly something

I miss Gagh

Kerb Crawler defines coolness.

why does it itch there?

Goddamnit TK has so much unexploited potential. Stop letting egos get in the fucking way and being so fucking cynical. The ranters have better organisation, for fuck's sake.

Mentalist! I can't forget him. He's a very good guy.

And a bunch of others who have my respect which I am too lazy to mention because I have to get work on this FUCKING SONG!!!!
Henoch is funny and cool but in a clown way. The only respect you'll ever get is being made fun of. If you are into that sort of thing.

They are not laughing WITH YOU, dude.
You should get tipsy more often. Henoch is part of a subset of duals, I'm discovering :)
Henoch subsists and drools.

Messenger is turning out to be not such an unlikeable fellow.

Drunk posting is funny. Like watching someone else pee into the wind.
LR is an odd duck, to say the least.

He's gotten to be more than the lame, verbose troll he was when he started, though, and that's good.