Troll Kingdom

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Shit For Brains


For all peoples, as with individual, the time comes when they must reckon with their history. For the People Of Troll Kingdom the present is a time of renaissance. Our people and our community, are expressing a new consciousness and a new resolve. Recognizing the historical tasks confronting our people and fully aware of the cost of human progress, we pledge our will to move. We will move forward toward our destiny as a people. We will move against those forces which has denied us freedom of expression and human dignity. Throughout history the quest for cultural expression and freedom has taken the form of a struggle. Our struggle tempered by the lessons of the American past, is an historical reality.
For years board members of Troll Kingdom struggle to realize the Dream of Troll Kingdom. And some, a few, have. In the meantime, due to the structure of this online society, to our essentially different life style, and to the e- functions assigned to our e - community by the internet society - as suppliers of bandwidth and dumping ground for the small-time board members remained exploited, impoverished, and marginal in an electronic way, of course.

As a result, the self-determination of our community is now the only acceptable mandate for social action; it is the essence of the Troll Kingdom commitment. Culturally, the word Troll Kingdom, in the past a pejorative and class-bound adjective, has now become the root idea of a new cultural identity for our people. It also reveals a growing solidarity and the development of a common social praxis. The widespread use of the term Troll kingdom today signals a rebirth of pride and confidence. ‘Troll Kingdom’ simply embodies and ancient truth: that a person is never closer to his/her true self as when he/she is close to his/her community.

Troll Kingdom draws its faith and strength from two main sources: from the just struggle of our people and from an objective analysis of our community's strategic needs. We recognize that without a strategic use of education, an education that places value on what we value, we will not realize our destiny. Troll Kingdom board members recognize the central importance of institutions of higher learning to modern progress, in this case, to the development of our community. But we go further: we believe that higher education must contribute to the information of a complete person who truly values life and freedom.
The destiny of our people will be fulfilled. to that end, we pledge our efforts and take as our credo what Scrotus Rex once said at a time of crisis and hope: "At this moment we do not come to work for the board, but to demand that the board work for our people.''
Political Action
For the Movement, political action essentially means influencing the decision-making process of those institutions which affect Troll Kingdom Board Members. Political action encompasses the elements which function in a progression: political consciousness, political mobilization, and tactics. Each part breaks down into further subdivisions. Before continuing with specific discussions of these three categories, a brief historical analysis must be formulated.
Historical Perspective
The political activity of the Scrotus Rex Movement to date has been specifically directed toward establishing Troll Kingdom organizations (The Scrotus Rex Society S.R.C. The AGE of Scrotus Rex, Incorporated T.A.S.R. ) and institutionalizing Scrotus Rex awareness programs. A variety of organizational forms and tactics have characterized these organizations.
One of the major factors which led to political awareness in the 60's was the clash between varying board factions and The Age of Scrotus Rex movement who maintained their cultural identity. Another factor was the increasing number of Board members who supported Scrotus Rex yet were afraid to express their feelings. The result of this clash is that the board members at large and the growing Scrotus Rex movement are dependent communities with no institutional power base and significantly influencing decision-making. Within the last few weeks, a limited degree of progress has taken place in securing a base of power within the Scrotus Rex movement.

Other factors which affected the political awareness of the Scrotus Rex movement were: the heritage of the Great Scrotus Rex thread in late 2005; the failure of the ill-meaning board members to silence Scrotus Rex; the bankruptcy of the pseudo-political associations of Troll Kingdom; and the disillusionment of certain sociopathic Troll Kingdom board members bent on deposing Scrotus Rex. Among the strongest influences of the Scrotus Rex movement today have been the Legion for the Age of Scrotus Rex, the Crusades for Scrotus Rex, and the Federal Campaign to Usher the Age of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. The Cunt-war movements were other influences.

As political consciousness increased, there occurred a simultaneously a renewed cultural awareness which, along with social and economical factors, led to the proliferation of Scrotus Rex organizations. Many others appeared and some disappeared or were merged with others. These groups differed from one another depending on local conditions and their varying state of political development. Despite differences in name and organizational experience, a basic unity evolved.
These groups have had a significant impact on the awareness of large numbers of people, both Regarding the Age of Scrotus Rex and Old-School Troll Kingdom holdouts. Within the communities, some agencies have been sensitized, and others have been exposed. On the boards, articulation of demands and related political efforts have dramatized The movement for the Age of Scrotus Rex. Concrete results are visible in the establishment of corresponding supportive services. The institutionalization of Troll Kingdom Studies marks the present stage of activity; the next stage will involve the strategic application of messageboard resources to the community. One immediate result will be the elimination of the artificial distinction which exist between the enlightened ones who embrace the Age of Scrotus Rex and the regular board members of Troll Kingdom. Rather than being its victims, the regular board members will benefit from the resources brought by the Age of Scrotus Rex.
Political Consciousness
Commitment to the struggle for Troll Kingdom liberation is the operative definition of the ideology used here. The Age of Scrotus Rex involves a crucial distinction in political consciousness between a Regular board member and a Scrotus Rex mentality. The regular board member is a person who lacks self-respect and pride in one's standing at Troll Kingdom. Thus, the enlightened board member in the Age of Scrotus Rex acts with confidence and with a range of alternatives on the boards. He/she is capable of developing and effective ideology through action.

All regular board members must be viewed as potential enlightened members of the Age of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. The Age of Scrotus Rex is flexible enough to relate to the varying levels of consciousness within the boards. Variations must always be kept in mind as well as the different levels of development, composition, maturity, achievement, and experience in political action. Cultural nationalism is a means of total Scrotus Rex liberation.
There are definite advantages to cultural nationalism, but no inherent limitations. A Scrotus Rex ideology, especially as it involves board membership, should be positively phrased in the form of propositions to the Movement. The Age of Scrotus Rex is a concept that integrates self-awareness with board identity as it relates to Troll Kingdom, a necessary step in developing e - consciousness. As such, it serves as a basis for political action, flexible enough to include the possibility of coalitions. The related concept of The Troll Kingdom provides an internationalist scope of the Age of Scrotus Rex and Troll Kingdom furnishes a philosophical precedent. Within this framework, the internet concept merits consideration.
Notes on organizing the Age of Scrotus Rex
The Age Of Scrotus Rex. is a first step to tying the different groups throughout Troll Kingdom into a vibrant and responsive network of activists who will respond as a unit to and will work in harmony when initiating and carrying put campaigns of liberation for our board members.
As of present, wherever one lives while posting on Troll Kingdom, one finds that there are different levels of awareness of different board members. The Scrotus Rex movement is to a large degree a political movement and as such must not elicit from our people the negative reason. To this end, then we must re-define politics for our people to be a means of liberation. The political sophistication of our messageboard must be raised so that they do not fall prey to apologists. In addition, the movement is more than a political movement, it is cultural and social as well. The spirit of the Age of Scrotus Rex. must be one of political and cultural awareness. The ethic of profit and competition, of greed and intolerance, which the e-society offers must be replaced by our communalism and love for beauty and justice. The age of Scrotus Rex must bring to the mind of every Troll King board member that the liberations of this people from prejudice and oppression is in his hands and this responsibility is greater than personal achievement and more meaningful that degrees, especially if they are earned at the expense of his identity and cultural integrity.
The Age of Scrotus Rex, then, is more than a name; it is a spirit of unity, of brotherhood and sisterhood, and a resolve to undertake a struggle for liberation in society where justice is but a word. The Age of Scrotus Rex. is a means to an end.
Recruitment and Education
Action is the best organizer. During and immediately following direct action of any type--demonstrations, marches, rallies, or even symposiums and speeches-- new faces will often surface and this is where much of the recruiting should be done. New members should be made to feel that they are part of the group immediately and not that they have to go through a period of warming up to the old membership. Each new member should be given a responsibility as soon as possible and fitted into the scheme of things according to his or her talents and interests.
Since the Troll Kingdom board members are constantly faced with the responsibility of posting inane rubbish, this is an excellent opportunity for internal education. If the event is a symposium or speech or debate, is usually an excellent opportunity to spread the Scrotus Rex Movement philosophy. If the it is a thread or a post, this provides an excellent opportunity to practice and teach the culture in all its facets. General posts should be educational. The last segment of each post can be used to discuss ideological or philosophical differences, or some event in the history of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. It should be kept in mind that there will always be different levels of awareness within the group due to the individual's background or exposure of the movement. This must be taken into consideration so as not to alienate members before they have had a chance to listen to the argument for liberation.

The following things should be kept in mind in order to develop group cohesiveness: 1) know the talents and abilities of each member; 2) every posting session must be given a responsibility, and recognition should be given for their efforts; 3) of mistakes are made, they should become learning experiences for the whole group and not merely excuses for ostracizing individual members; 4) since many people come to Troll Kingdom seeking self-fulfillment, they must be seized to educate the student to the Scrotus Rex philosophy, culture, and history; 6) of great importance is that a personal and human interaction exist between members of the organization so that such things as personality clashes, competition, ego-trips, subterfuge, infiltration, provocateurs, cliques, and mistrust do not impede the cohesion and effectiveness of the group. Above all the feeling of belonging must prevail so that the organization is more to the members than just a club or a clique. The Age of Scrotus Rex must be a learning and fulfilling experience that develops dedication and commitment.
Planning and Strategy
Actions of the group must be coordinate in such a way that everyone knows exactly what he is supposed to do. This requires that at least rudimentary organizational methods and strategy be taught to the group. Confusion is avoid different the plans and strategies are clearly stated to all. The objective must be clear to the group at all times, especially during confrontations and negotiations. There should be alternate plans for reaching the objectives, and these should be explained to the group so that it is not felt that a reversal of position or capitulation has been carried out without their approval. The short, as well as the long, range values and effects of all actions should be considered before actions are taken. This assumes that their is sufficient time to plan and carefully map out actions, which brings up another point: don't be caught off guard, don't be forced to act out of haste; choose your own battleground and your own time schedule when possible. Know your power base and develop it. A student group is more effective if it can claim the support of the community and support on the campus itself form other sectors than the student population.
The Function of THE AGE OF SCROTUS REX - To the Troll Kingdom Community
Other board members can be important to The Age of Scrotus Rex in supportive roles; hence, the question of coalitions. These questions should be asked before entering into any binding agreement. Is it beneficial to tie oneself to another group in coalition which will carry one into conflicts for which on is ill-prepared or involve one with issues on which one is ill-advised? Can one sagely go into a coalition where one group is markedly stronger than another? Does the Age of Scrotus Rex have an equal voice in leadership and planning in the coalition group? Is it perhaps better to enter into a loose alliance for a given issue? How does leadership of each group view coalitions? How does the membership? Can the Age of Scrotus Rex hold up its end of the bargain? Will the Age of Scrotus Rex carry dead weight in a coalition? All of these and many more questions must be asked and answered before one can safely say that he/she will benefit from and contribute to a strong coalition effort.
Supportive groups. When moving in the messageboard it is often well-advised to have groups who are willing to act in supportive roles. For example, there are usually any number of moderators and administrators who are sympathetic, but limited as to the numbers of activities they will engage in. These moderators and administrators often serve councils and senates and can be instrumental in board policy. They also provide another channel to the power structure and can be used as leverage in negotiation. However, these groups are only as responsive as the ties with them are nurtured. This goes not mean, compromise our integrity; it merely means laying good groundwork before an issue is brought up, touching bases with your allies before hand.

Sympathetic moderators. This a delicate area since moderators are most interested in not jeopardizing their positions and often will try to act as buffers or liaison between the administration and the regular board members. In the case of Troll Kingdom mods, it should not be priori be assumed, he/she must be given the chance to prove his/her allegiance to the Age of Scrotus Rex. As such, he/she should be the Age of Scrotus Rex’s person in the power structure. It is from the moderator that information can be obtained as to the actual feasibility of demands or programs to go beyond the platitudes and pleas of unreasonableness with which the administration usually answers proposals and demands.
Well, darling, I took the time to write it, you could at least take the time to read it if you care about this place.
ScrotusRex said:

How to keep an idiot like me busy...​

Idiot is a word derived from the Greek ιδιωτης, idiōtēs ("layman," "person lacking professional skill," "a private citizen," "individual"), from ιδιος, idios ("private," "one's own"). In Latin the word idiota ("ordinary person, layman") preceded the Late Latin meaning "uneducated or ignorant person." Its modern meaning and form dates back to Middle English around the year 1300, from the Old French idiote ("uneducated or ignorant person"). The related word idiocy dates to 1487 and may have been analagously modeled on the words prophet and prophecy.

The word is a cognate in German, Slovenian, and Swedish.

It was originally used in ancient Greek city-states to refer to people who were overly concerned with their own self-interest and ignored the needs of the community. Declining to take part in public life, such as (semi-)democratic government of the polis (city state, e.g. Athenian democracy) was considered dishonorable. "Idiots" were seen as having bad judgment in public and political matters. Over time, the term "idiot" shifted away from its original connotation of selfishness and came to refer to individuals with overall bad judgment–individuals who are "stupid."

In hellenistic Egypt, idiotès was a term for soldier (etymologically parallel to that word which derives from sold 'pay'), derived from the idios logos, the royal treasury that paid them.

In modern English usage, the terms "idiot" and "idiocy" describe an extreme folly or stupidity, its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is a historical term for the state or condition now called profound mental retardation.

In 19th and early 20th-century medicine and psychology, an "idiot" was a person with a very severe mental retardation or a very low IQ level, as a sufferer of cretinism, defining idiots as people whose IQ were below 20 (with a standard deviation of 16); Mongolian idiot was applied to sufferers of Down syndrome.

In current medical classification, these people are now said to have profound mental retardation, and the word "idiot" is no longer used as a scientific term.

Now shut the fuck up Scrotum.
ScrotusRex said:


For all peoples, as with individual, the time comes when they must reckon with their history. For the People Of Troll Kingdom the present is a time of renaissance. Our people and our community, are expressing a new consciousness and a new resolve. Recognizing the historical tasks confronting our people and fully aware of the cost of human progress, we pledge our will to move. We will move forward toward our destiny as a people. We will move against those forces which has denied us freedom of expression and human dignity. Throughout history the quest for cultural expression and freedom has taken the form of a struggle. Our struggle tempered by the lessons of the American past, is an historical reality.
For years board members of Troll Kingdom struggle to realize the Dream of Troll Kingdom. And some, a few, have. In the meantime, due to the structure of this online society, to our essentially different life style, and to the e- functions assigned to our e - community by the internet society - as suppliers of bandwidth and dumping ground for the small-time board members remained exploited, impoverished, and marginal in an electronic way, of course.

As a result, the self-determination of our community is now the only acceptable mandate for social action; it is the essence of the Troll Kingdom commitment. Culturally, the word Troll Kingdom, in the past a pejorative and class-bound adjective, has now become the root idea of a new cultural identity for our people. It also reveals a growing solidarity and the development of a common social praxis. The widespread use of the term Troll kingdom today signals a rebirth of pride and confidence. ‘Troll Kingdom’ simply embodies and ancient truth: that a person is never closer to his/her true self as when he/she is close to his/her community.

Troll Kingdom draws its faith and strength from two main sources: from the just struggle of our people and from an objective analysis of our community's strategic needs. We recognize that without a strategic use of education, an education that places value on what we value, we will not realize our destiny. Troll Kingdom board members recognize the central importance of institutions of higher learning to modern progress, in this case, to the development of our community. But we go further: we believe that higher education must contribute to the information of a complete person who truly values life and freedom.
The destiny of our people will be fulfilled. to that end, we pledge our efforts and take as our credo what Scrotus Rex once said at a time of crisis and hope: "At this moment we do not come to work for the board, but to demand that the board work for our people.''
Political Action
For the Movement, political action essentially means influencing the decision-making process of those institutions which affect Troll Kingdom Board Members. Political action encompasses the elements which function in a progression: political consciousness, political mobilization, and tactics. Each part breaks down into further subdivisions. Before continuing with specific discussions of these three categories, a brief historical analysis must be formulated.
Historical Perspective
The political activity of the Scrotus Rex Movement to date has been specifically directed toward establishing Troll Kingdom organizations (The Scrotus Rex Society S.R.C. The AGE of Scrotus Rex, Incorporated T.A.S.R. ) and institutionalizing Scrotus Rex awareness programs. A variety of organizational forms and tactics have characterized these organizations.
One of the major factors which led to political awareness in the 60's was the clash between varying board factions and The Age of Scrotus Rex movement who maintained their cultural identity. Another factor was the increasing number of Board members who supported Scrotus Rex yet were afraid to express their feelings. The result of this clash is that the board members at large and the growing Scrotus Rex movement are dependent communities with no institutional power base and significantly influencing decision-making. Within the last few weeks, a limited degree of progress has taken place in securing a base of power within the Scrotus Rex movement.

Other factors which affected the political awareness of the Scrotus Rex movement were: the heritage of the Great Scrotus Rex thread in late 2005; the failure of the ill-meaning board members to silence Scrotus Rex; the bankruptcy of the pseudo-political associations of Troll Kingdom; and the disillusionment of certain sociopathic Troll Kingdom board members bent on deposing Scrotus Rex. Among the strongest influences of the Scrotus Rex movement today have been the Legion for the Age of Scrotus Rex, the Crusades for Scrotus Rex, and the Federal Campaign to Usher the Age of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. The Cunt-war movements were other influences.

As political consciousness increased, there occurred a simultaneously a renewed cultural awareness which, along with social and economical factors, led to the proliferation of Scrotus Rex organizations. Many others appeared and some disappeared or were merged with others. These groups differed from one another depending on local conditions and their varying state of political development. Despite differences in name and organizational experience, a basic unity evolved.
These groups have had a significant impact on the awareness of large numbers of people, both Regarding the Age of Scrotus Rex and Old-School Troll Kingdom holdouts. Within the communities, some agencies have been sensitized, and others have been exposed. On the boards, articulation of demands and related political efforts have dramatized The movement for the Age of Scrotus Rex. Concrete results are visible in the establishment of corresponding supportive services. The institutionalization of Troll Kingdom Studies marks the present stage of activity; the next stage will involve the strategic application of messageboard resources to the community. One immediate result will be the elimination of the artificial distinction which exist between the enlightened ones who embrace the Age of Scrotus Rex and the regular board members of Troll Kingdom. Rather than being its victims, the regular board members will benefit from the resources brought by the Age of Scrotus Rex.
Political Consciousness
Commitment to the struggle for Troll Kingdom liberation is the operative definition of the ideology used here. The Age of Scrotus Rex involves a crucial distinction in political consciousness between a Regular board member and a Scrotus Rex mentality. The regular board member is a person who lacks self-respect and pride in one's standing at Troll Kingdom. Thus, the enlightened board member in the Age of Scrotus Rex acts with confidence and with a range of alternatives on the boards. He/she is capable of developing and effective ideology through action.

All regular board members must be viewed as potential enlightened members of the Age of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. The Age of Scrotus Rex is flexible enough to relate to the varying levels of consciousness within the boards. Variations must always be kept in mind as well as the different levels of development, composition, maturity, achievement, and experience in political action. Cultural nationalism is a means of total Scrotus Rex liberation.
There are definite advantages to cultural nationalism, but no inherent limitations. A Scrotus Rex ideology, especially as it involves board membership, should be positively phrased in the form of propositions to the Movement. The Age of Scrotus Rex is a concept that integrates self-awareness with board identity as it relates to Troll Kingdom, a necessary step in developing e - consciousness. As such, it serves as a basis for political action, flexible enough to include the possibility of coalitions. The related concept of The Troll Kingdom provides an internationalist scope of the Age of Scrotus Rex and Troll Kingdom furnishes a philosophical precedent. Within this framework, the internet concept merits consideration.
Notes on organizing the Age of Scrotus Rex
The Age Of Scrotus Rex. is a first step to tying the different groups throughout Troll Kingdom into a vibrant and responsive network of activists who will respond as a unit to and will work in harmony when initiating and carrying put campaigns of liberation for our board members.
As of present, wherever one lives while posting on Troll Kingdom, one finds that there are different levels of awareness of different board members. The Scrotus Rex movement is to a large degree a political movement and as such must not elicit from our people the negative reason. To this end, then we must re-define politics for our people to be a means of liberation. The political sophistication of our messageboard must be raised so that they do not fall prey to apologists. In addition, the movement is more than a political movement, it is cultural and social as well. The spirit of the Age of Scrotus Rex. must be one of political and cultural awareness. The ethic of profit and competition, of greed and intolerance, which the e-society offers must be replaced by our communalism and love for beauty and justice. The age of Scrotus Rex must bring to the mind of every Troll King board member that the liberations of this people from prejudice and oppression is in his hands and this responsibility is greater than personal achievement and more meaningful that degrees, especially if they are earned at the expense of his identity and cultural integrity.
The Age of Scrotus Rex, then, is more than a name; it is a spirit of unity, of brotherhood and sisterhood, and a resolve to undertake a struggle for liberation in society where justice is but a word. The Age of Scrotus Rex. is a means to an end.
Recruitment and Education
Action is the best organizer. During and immediately following direct action of any type--demonstrations, marches, rallies, or even symposiums and speeches-- new faces will often surface and this is where much of the recruiting should be done. New members should be made to feel that they are part of the group immediately and not that they have to go through a period of warming up to the old membership. Each new member should be given a responsibility as soon as possible and fitted into the scheme of things according to his or her talents and interests.
Since the Troll Kingdom board members are constantly faced with the responsibility of posting inane rubbish, this is an excellent opportunity for internal education. If the event is a symposium or speech or debate, is usually an excellent opportunity to spread the Scrotus Rex Movement philosophy. If the it is a thread or a post, this provides an excellent opportunity to practice and teach the culture in all its facets. General posts should be educational. The last segment of each post can be used to discuss ideological or philosophical differences, or some event in the history of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. It should be kept in mind that there will always be different levels of awareness within the group due to the individual's background or exposure of the movement. This must be taken into consideration so as not to alienate members before they have had a chance to listen to the argument for liberation.

The following things should be kept in mind in order to develop group cohesiveness: 1) know the talents and abilities of each member; 2) every posting session must be given a responsibility, and recognition should be given for their efforts; 3) of mistakes are made, they should become learning experiences for the whole group and not merely excuses for ostracizing individual members; 4) since many people come to Troll Kingdom seeking self-fulfillment, they must be seized to educate the student to the Scrotus Rex philosophy, culture, and history; 6) of great importance is that a personal and human interaction exist between members of the organization so that such things as personality clashes, competition, ego-trips, subterfuge, infiltration, provocateurs, cliques, and mistrust do not impede the cohesion and effectiveness of the group. Above all the feeling of belonging must prevail so that the organization is more to the members than just a club or a clique. The Age of Scrotus Rex must be a learning and fulfilling experience that develops dedication and commitment.
Planning and Strategy
Actions of the group must be coordinate in such a way that everyone knows exactly what he is supposed to do. This requires that at least rudimentary organizational methods and strategy be taught to the group. Confusion is avoid different the plans and strategies are clearly stated to all. The objective must be clear to the group at all times, especially during confrontations and negotiations. There should be alternate plans for reaching the objectives, and these should be explained to the group so that it is not felt that a reversal of position or capitulation has been carried out without their approval. The short, as well as the long, range values and effects of all actions should be considered before actions are taken. This assumes that their is sufficient time to plan and carefully map out actions, which brings up another point: don't be caught off guard, don't be forced to act out of haste; choose your own battleground and your own time schedule when possible. Know your power base and develop it. A student group is more effective if it can claim the support of the community and support on the campus itself form other sectors than the student population.
The Function of THE AGE OF SCROTUS REX - To the Troll Kingdom Community
Other board members can be important to The Age of Scrotus Rex in supportive roles; hence, the question of coalitions. These questions should be asked before entering into any binding agreement. Is it beneficial to tie oneself to another group in coalition which will carry one into conflicts for which on is ill-prepared or involve one with issues on which one is ill-advised? Can one sagely go into a coalition where one group is markedly stronger than another? Does the Age of Scrotus Rex have an equal voice in leadership and planning in the coalition group? Is it perhaps better to enter into a loose alliance for a given issue? How does leadership of each group view coalitions? How does the membership? Can the Age of Scrotus Rex hold up its end of the bargain? Will the Age of Scrotus Rex carry dead weight in a coalition? All of these and many more questions must be asked and answered before one can safely say that he/she will benefit from and contribute to a strong coalition effort.
Supportive groups. When moving in the messageboard it is often well-advised to have groups who are willing to act in supportive roles. For example, there are usually any number of moderators and administrators who are sympathetic, but limited as to the numbers of activities they will engage in. These moderators and administrators often serve councils and senates and can be instrumental in board policy. They also provide another channel to the power structure and can be used as leverage in negotiation. However, these groups are only as responsive as the ties with them are nurtured. This goes not mean, compromise our integrity; it merely means laying good groundwork before an issue is brought up, touching bases with your allies before hand.

Sympathetic moderators. This a delicate area since moderators are most interested in not jeopardizing their positions and often will try to act as buffers or liaison between the administration and the regular board members. In the case of Troll Kingdom mods, it should not be priori be assumed, he/she must be given the chance to prove his/her allegiance to the Age of Scrotus Rex. As such, he/she should be the Age of Scrotus Rex’s person in the power structure. It is from the moderator that information can be obtained as to the actual feasibility of demands or programs to go beyond the platitudes and pleas of unreasonableness with which the administration usually answers proposals and demands.

ScrotusRex said:


For all peoples, as with individual, the time comes when they must reckon with their history. For the People Of Troll Kingdom the present is a time of renaissance. Our people and our community, are expressing a new consciousness and a new resolve. Recognizing the historical tasks confronting our people and fully aware of the cost of human progress, we pledge our will to move. We will move forward toward our destiny as a people. We will move against those forces which has denied us freedom of expression and human dignity. Throughout history the quest for cultural expression and freedom has taken the form of a struggle. Our struggle tempered by the lessons of the American past, is an historical reality.
For years board members of Troll Kingdom struggle to realize the Dream of Troll Kingdom. And some, a few, have. In the meantime, due to the structure of this online society, to our essentially different life style, and to the e- functions assigned to our e - community by the internet society - as suppliers of bandwidth and dumping ground for the small-time board members remained exploited, impoverished, and marginal in an electronic way, of course.

As a result, the self-determination of our community is now the only acceptable mandate for social action; it is the essence of the Troll Kingdom commitment. Culturally, the word Troll Kingdom, in the past a pejorative and class-bound adjective, has now become the root idea of a new cultural identity for our people. It also reveals a growing solidarity and the development of a common social praxis. The widespread use of the term Troll kingdom today signals a rebirth of pride and confidence. ‘Troll Kingdom’ simply embodies and ancient truth: that a person is never closer to his/her true self as when he/she is close to his/her community.

Troll Kingdom draws its faith and strength from two main sources: from the just struggle of our people and from an objective analysis of our community's strategic needs. We recognize that without a strategic use of education, an education that places value on what we value, we will not realize our destiny. Troll Kingdom board members recognize the central importance of institutions of higher learning to modern progress, in this case, to the development of our community. But we go further: we believe that higher education must contribute to the information of a complete person who truly values life and freedom.
The destiny of our people will be fulfilled. to that end, we pledge our efforts and take as our credo what Scrotus Rex once said at a time of crisis and hope: "At this moment we do not come to work for the board, but to demand that the board work for our people.''
Political Action
For the Movement, political action essentially means influencing the decision-making process of those institutions which affect Troll Kingdom Board Members. Political action encompasses the elements which function in a progression: political consciousness, political mobilization, and tactics. Each part breaks down into further subdivisions. Before continuing with specific discussions of these three categories, a brief historical analysis must be formulated.
Historical Perspective
The political activity of the Scrotus Rex Movement to date has been specifically directed toward establishing Troll Kingdom organizations (The Scrotus Rex Society S.R.C. The AGE of Scrotus Rex, Incorporated T.A.S.R. ) and institutionalizing Scrotus Rex awareness programs. A variety of organizational forms and tactics have characterized these organizations.
One of the major factors which led to political awareness in the 60's was the clash between varying board factions and The Age of Scrotus Rex movement who maintained their cultural identity. Another factor was the increasing number of Board members who supported Scrotus Rex yet were afraid to express their feelings. The result of this clash is that the board members at large and the growing Scrotus Rex movement are dependent communities with no institutional power base and significantly influencing decision-making. Within the last few weeks, a limited degree of progress has taken place in securing a base of power within the Scrotus Rex movement.

Other factors which affected the political awareness of the Scrotus Rex movement were: the heritage of the Great Scrotus Rex thread in late 2005; the failure of the ill-meaning board members to silence Scrotus Rex; the bankruptcy of the pseudo-political associations of Troll Kingdom; and the disillusionment of certain sociopathic Troll Kingdom board members bent on deposing Scrotus Rex. Among the strongest influences of the Scrotus Rex movement today have been the Legion for the Age of Scrotus Rex, the Crusades for Scrotus Rex, and the Federal Campaign to Usher the Age of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. The Cunt-war movements were other influences.

As political consciousness increased, there occurred a simultaneously a renewed cultural awareness which, along with social and economical factors, led to the proliferation of Scrotus Rex organizations. Many others appeared and some disappeared or were merged with others. These groups differed from one another depending on local conditions and their varying state of political development. Despite differences in name and organizational experience, a basic unity evolved.
These groups have had a significant impact on the awareness of large numbers of people, both Regarding the Age of Scrotus Rex and Old-School Troll Kingdom holdouts. Within the communities, some agencies have been sensitized, and others have been exposed. On the boards, articulation of demands and related political efforts have dramatized The movement for the Age of Scrotus Rex. Concrete results are visible in the establishment of corresponding supportive services. The institutionalization of Troll Kingdom Studies marks the present stage of activity; the next stage will involve the strategic application of messageboard resources to the community. One immediate result will be the elimination of the artificial distinction which exist between the enlightened ones who embrace the Age of Scrotus Rex and the regular board members of Troll Kingdom. Rather than being its victims, the regular board members will benefit from the resources brought by the Age of Scrotus Rex.
Political Consciousness
Commitment to the struggle for Troll Kingdom liberation is the operative definition of the ideology used here. The Age of Scrotus Rex involves a crucial distinction in political consciousness between a Regular board member and a Scrotus Rex mentality. The regular board member is a person who lacks self-respect and pride in one's standing at Troll Kingdom. Thus, the enlightened board member in the Age of Scrotus Rex acts with confidence and with a range of alternatives on the boards. He/she is capable of developing and effective ideology through action.

All regular board members must be viewed as potential enlightened members of the Age of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. The Age of Scrotus Rex is flexible enough to relate to the varying levels of consciousness within the boards. Variations must always be kept in mind as well as the different levels of development, composition, maturity, achievement, and experience in political action. Cultural nationalism is a means of total Scrotus Rex liberation.
There are definite advantages to cultural nationalism, but no inherent limitations. A Scrotus Rex ideology, especially as it involves board membership, should be positively phrased in the form of propositions to the Movement. The Age of Scrotus Rex is a concept that integrates self-awareness with board identity as it relates to Troll Kingdom, a necessary step in developing e - consciousness. As such, it serves as a basis for political action, flexible enough to include the possibility of coalitions. The related concept of The Troll Kingdom provides an internationalist scope of the Age of Scrotus Rex and Troll Kingdom furnishes a philosophical precedent. Within this framework, the internet concept merits consideration.
Notes on organizing the Age of Scrotus Rex
The Age Of Scrotus Rex. is a first step to tying the different groups throughout Troll Kingdom into a vibrant and responsive network of activists who will respond as a unit to and will work in harmony when initiating and carrying put campaigns of liberation for our board members.
As of present, wherever one lives while posting on Troll Kingdom, one finds that there are different levels of awareness of different board members. The Scrotus Rex movement is to a large degree a political movement and as such must not elicit from our people the negative reason. To this end, then we must re-define politics for our people to be a means of liberation. The political sophistication of our messageboard must be raised so that they do not fall prey to apologists. In addition, the movement is more than a political movement, it is cultural and social as well. The spirit of the Age of Scrotus Rex. must be one of political and cultural awareness. The ethic of profit and competition, of greed and intolerance, which the e-society offers must be replaced by our communalism and love for beauty and justice. The age of Scrotus Rex must bring to the mind of every Troll King board member that the liberations of this people from prejudice and oppression is in his hands and this responsibility is greater than personal achievement and more meaningful that degrees, especially if they are earned at the expense of his identity and cultural integrity.
The Age of Scrotus Rex, then, is more than a name; it is a spirit of unity, of brotherhood and sisterhood, and a resolve to undertake a struggle for liberation in society where justice is but a word. The Age of Scrotus Rex. is a means to an end.
Recruitment and Education
Action is the best organizer. During and immediately following direct action of any type--demonstrations, marches, rallies, or even symposiums and speeches-- new faces will often surface and this is where much of the recruiting should be done. New members should be made to feel that they are part of the group immediately and not that they have to go through a period of warming up to the old membership. Each new member should be given a responsibility as soon as possible and fitted into the scheme of things according to his or her talents and interests.
Since the Troll Kingdom board members are constantly faced with the responsibility of posting inane rubbish, this is an excellent opportunity for internal education. If the event is a symposium or speech or debate, is usually an excellent opportunity to spread the Scrotus Rex Movement philosophy. If the it is a thread or a post, this provides an excellent opportunity to practice and teach the culture in all its facets. General posts should be educational. The last segment of each post can be used to discuss ideological or philosophical differences, or some event in the history of Scrotus Rex at Troll Kingdom. It should be kept in mind that there will always be different levels of awareness within the group due to the individual's background or exposure of the movement. This must be taken into consideration so as not to alienate members before they have had a chance to listen to the argument for liberation.

The following things should be kept in mind in order to develop group cohesiveness: 1) know the talents and abilities of each member; 2) every posting session must be given a responsibility, and recognition should be given for their efforts; 3) of mistakes are made, they should become learning experiences for the whole group and not merely excuses for ostracizing individual members; 4) since many people come to Troll Kingdom seeking self-fulfillment, they must be seized to educate the student to the Scrotus Rex philosophy, culture, and history; 6) of great importance is that a personal and human interaction exist between members of the organization so that such things as personality clashes, competition, ego-trips, subterfuge, infiltration, provocateurs, cliques, and mistrust do not impede the cohesion and effectiveness of the group. Above all the feeling of belonging must prevail so that the organization is more to the members than just a club or a clique. The Age of Scrotus Rex must be a learning and fulfilling experience that develops dedication and commitment.
Planning and Strategy
Actions of the group must be coordinate in such a way that everyone knows exactly what he is supposed to do. This requires that at least rudimentary organizational methods and strategy be taught to the group. Confusion is avoid different the plans and strategies are clearly stated to all. The objective must be clear to the group at all times, especially during confrontations and negotiations. There should be alternate plans for reaching the objectives, and these should be explained to the group so that it is not felt that a reversal of position or capitulation has been carried out without their approval. The short, as well as the long, range values and effects of all actions should be considered before actions are taken. This assumes that their is sufficient time to plan and carefully map out actions, which brings up another point: don't be caught off guard, don't be forced to act out of haste; choose your own battleground and your own time schedule when possible. Know your power base and develop it. A student group is more effective if it can claim the support of the community and support on the campus itself form other sectors than the student population.
The Function of THE AGE OF SCROTUS REX - To the Troll Kingdom Community
Other board members can be important to The Age of Scrotus Rex in supportive roles; hence, the question of coalitions. These questions should be asked before entering into any binding agreement. Is it beneficial to tie oneself to another group in coalition which will carry one into conflicts for which on is ill-prepared or involve one with issues on which one is ill-advised? Can one sagely go into a coalition where one group is markedly stronger than another? Does the Age of Scrotus Rex have an equal voice in leadership and planning in the coalition group? Is it perhaps better to enter into a loose alliance for a given issue? How does leadership of each group view coalitions? How does the membership? Can the Age of Scrotus Rex hold up its end of the bargain? Will the Age of Scrotus Rex carry dead weight in a coalition? All of these and many more questions must be asked and answered before one can safely say that he/she will benefit from and contribute to a strong coalition effort.
Supportive groups. When moving in the messageboard it is often well-advised to have groups who are willing to act in supportive roles. For example, there are usually any number of moderators and administrators who are sympathetic, but limited as to the numbers of activities they will engage in. These moderators and administrators often serve councils and senates and can be instrumental in board policy. They also provide another channel to the power structure and can be used as leverage in negotiation. However, these groups are only as responsive as the ties with them are nurtured. This goes not mean, compromise our integrity; it merely means laying good groundwork before an issue is brought up, touching bases with your allies before hand.

Sympathetic moderators. This a delicate area since moderators are most interested in not jeopardizing their positions and often will try to act as buffers or liaison between the administration and the regular board members. In the case of Troll Kingdom mods, it should not be priori be assumed, he/she must be given the chance to prove his/her allegiance to the Age of Scrotus Rex. As such, he/she should be the Age of Scrotus Rex’s person in the power structure. It is from the moderator that information can be obtained as to the actual feasibility of demands or programs to go beyond the platitudes and pleas of unreasonableness with which the administration usually answers proposals and demands.

I like it!
Lilith said:
Wow, that woke me up...

Yess, my little friend it gets the juices flowing, no? So, my darling, are you on board? I told you I had a manifesto, my little sweet. No one believed me but I have written it. When missmanners sees it she will be hornier than you, my love.
missmanners said:
Rex my love.... run away with me, lets live in sin!
Or at least let me buy you dinner!


My little msmanners.. I am yours. Your wish is my command, my little darling... I would NEVER let you buy dinner. I will spoil you until you were sick of it my little msmanners.
Some of you on the board fail to see the truth of my manifesto. That is OK. I was prepared for this my little friends. However, those WHO have taken the time to READ it and UNDERSTAND it know that what I have in mind is nothing but kindness and freedom. It is all in the manifesto. It's not a DLA bullshit job, my little friends. I am the REAL DEAL!! Read it Understand it.