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I want to smell dark matter
Seems quite normal? Might be annoying if he thinks he's funny? Don't know. Seems alright. Don't hate him!
Yeah I wrote this post based on his VT. He was reall hamming it up in the house. Unless he really IS that thick, in which case he shouldn't be in the house or allowed to use scissors.
I almost feel like he's a plant. Do you remember that C4 reality show where they convinced a bunch of idiots that they were going into space, with the help of one of the contestants, who was actually an actor?

I don't think he really is an actor, but I also don't think it would have passed the producers by that he was a fake thick/neurotic person, so it annoys me that he was let in. Amy and Brian Belo look like amazingly talented fake retard actors compared to him.
I laughed when he said in the Diary Room "have these people never seen a bed before?"...then I remembered he was the one shouting "THERE'S A BATH SHAPED LIKE AN EGG." Very suspiciuos! It's a shame because he could be funny.
Mark's or Harry's? (It could just be that Harry didn't know how to measure properly)

But goodness, Mark really wanted to show him, didn't he? Like, REALLY wanted to show him...hmm...

(yes I'm catching up with the last couple of days right now)
Yeah, that was odd. And Harry seemed to half consider it too. I probably would've done the same - felt plain old curiosity and wondered what this dude had that he wanted to show off so much, but ultimately said no because of the cameras.

It did look very small, but BB was being very coy with the editing so I couldn't see it properly. I guess that says enough, though, since Tom's was clearly visible.
I did like his nomination of Tashie, based on him not getting airtime due to her dressing as copyrighted characters.
After looking at screencaps (yeah...) I don't actually think his dick is that small. It's just that Tom's was quite long (while Tom also having a really small body compared to Mark), so it looked smaller than it was.
Yes, I remember there was the outgoing ball that liked hanging out and being sociable, and then there was the more quiet, introverted ball that rarely showed itself.
Seems quite normal? Might be annoying if he thinks he's funny? Don't know. Seems alright. Don't hate him!

Pretty good summary. He was annoying at times when he'd go into his glazed over act. He was also funny at times. I liked him when he was being normal and interactnig like a human. Obviously a nice guy. But he tried way too hard with the "I just had a dream a monkey was eating my monkey!" stuff. I'm sure that's why he walked, he realised he couldn't keep that character up. Plus all the nudity got tedious. I DO LIKE HIM on the whole, but he was disappointing in several ways.