Hail to the King baby, Dark Link has joined the fray now,
Droppin' ryhmes like Ash cuts demons scheming, dreaming with his chainsaw ramped to full power,
It's hard to maintain, everyday I feel lyrically degraded,
I aint got the energy or incentive to lay the best for me to make it,
Fuck this, lets rewind back and try some of this shit:
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 posts, I'm spamming off the handle, post-quick-reply for the sake of it,
freedom of speech is a perk but it aint a fucking requisite,
The Minefield is the place for it, the mecca for my spammers fit,
Varying degrees of technique are inside of me,
You're dealing with a mentalist ain't no damn point in crying, G.
I knows what you seen and I seen what you know, I'm the man of cess and dreams, big tits and bow legged teens it can only mean one thing,
It's time to start this fucking show.
A manic depressant ever since I was an adolescent,
my sanity is no longer present, I'm running down the road and my shoes are made of two dead pheasants,
I'm raiding the local chemists with a trolly and a novelty beak,
If you were going to do it at all this is would probably be the time to call the police,
At one with the universe the energy has blessed me,
I'm off on a tangent what you gonna do arrest me?
My mind is kinda testy,
Captain Zenith Omega is pointing a gun at me,
I'm not ready for this fuking shit,
this is what they call a bad trip,
Now I'm regretting taking it,
freaking out running for the fridge at speed,
only thing to get me down will be about a liter of vitamin C,
Pure Orange juice undiluted saving my mind from the fury,
It's the only shit that cures me.
I'm late for my doctors appointment so going to have to cut it here,
The medicine is Absolut neat,
I only drink clear..
Now, I'll just leave it right here,
Hunter or Dark Link can attempt to make something of the mess I've left,
Damn, I hope they have beer...