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New member
It's always when I mind my own business that I reminisce and realize just how inferior my contempraries are to me.

I name this thread 'Me VS. TK' because it really was me vs. TK not too long ago.

At least, me and Mentalist.

Now that I think about it, I feel it wrong for me to hold anything in, and especially while watching this particular little Final Fantasy battle on youtube, which so greatly symbolizes how terrified the 'fictitious four' were of me.

Those consisting of Hambil, Caitriona, Sardonica, and missmanners.

What a deathblow to our little 'Internet honor' and all the things we wished to contribute when we found out that twats Shatna and Eggs Mayonnaise were already admins, despite hearing the screeching of admin Cait that any further additions to the staff would disrupt the 'dynamics' of the fucking important management of TK.

It's all so fucking complicated.

I cannot even begin to express how much of a scared little girl missmanners is, or at least, was, during those times. She would hide behind her 'council' and fear of disrupting it based on them having some extra-ordinary-fucking-say, yet at the same time, we would hear the party dialogue of any 'final word' being her's.

Either someone was lying, or everyone is a retard.

I certainly wasn't defended in anything more than spirit when Sardy put me into DC when I was made a mod because of what? Demonstrating powers to willing viewers? Pffft.

After my latest foray into TK and upon viewing this little youtube film, and upon casually revewing the bullshit that went on (Hindsight is always 20/20, unfortunately), I realized just how petrified missmanners and the pussies that controlled her were of me.

Ever play Final Fantasy? It's pretty cool. If you've played any part you might want to watch the clip. If not, fuck off.
I'll call it: "TK vs. Messenger."

I'm sure that Shatna is somewhere rediscovering his marriage. But that Eggs still posts here, shamelessly? Well, I choose to let that go unpunished. Not for the fact that he lied about being an admin, but for the fact that you lied about him not being an admin.

So let's be clear here. missmanners is, and always will be, only the owner of the domain name of TK. She will never, ever, set policy here without the approval of her trusted 'friends.' God knows they must be 100% comfortable with each change, lest they leave. (Bye, Haggy. You had so much fucking clout, OMG, you left!)
Kefka said:
when we found out that twats Shatna and Eggs Mayonnaise were already admins, despite hearing the screeching of admin Cait that any further additions to the staff would disrupt the 'dynamics' of the fucking important management of TK.

Eggs already abused his power when he disclosed (at least) one of my duals to somebody else. That's the problem from hiring 'within the family'
On beating FF9 with a level one character Zidane. It's IMPOSSIBLE to have a level one Zidane that far into the game. Also, to have leveled up skills like auto-reflect, auto-life, and auto-potion, you MUST be higher than first level. Not only that, to even equip them you MUST be higher than first level. Otherwise, you wouldn't have the skill points necessary to do so. auto-reflect requires a minimum of 12 skill points to equip. My vote on finishing FF9 with level one characters, not possible. This video is a load of crap.
Messenger just trying to save face while pointing out other peoples inadequicies, which really aren't inadequicies at all. This whole thing really has not been that "fucking complicated". Only to you Messenger.
I had this black male cat named Pearl. He'd go out and get in a fight with the neighbor's cat, Hank. The way they fought sounded something horrible, the way they screeched, mewled, yowled, growled, and raked the air with their razor sharp fangs and claws. I'd go out to break up the fight and save my poor Pearl. Everytime, when I got to them, they'd separate, sit down, and stare at me like "What? We're playing!" TK always come off to me like Pearl and Hank "playing."
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . .snark, snoggly...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... wha'? Whadya say? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...snork, gfumb... who turned the lights on!? Did I miss anything? Oh, this again? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Grammour Boy said:
I am scared of cuddling.

:fear: :fear: :fear: :fear: :fear: :fear: :fear: :fear: :fear: :fear:
and you wonder why your cyber love life is lacking in some respects.