Troll Kingdom

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Men of TK are pussy whipped!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
That's right. No matter what any of use women do to you, you all come begging for me.

I've seen threads here where some of the women downright bitchslap you guys, and you give them positive karma.

Slaves to the pussies.
Tisiphone said:
That's right. No matter what any of use women do to you, you all come begging for me.

I've seen threads here where some of the women downright bitchslap you guys, and you give them positive karma.

Slaves to the pussies.

Shut the fuck up cunt. I am the only REAL man on this site. Now go fuck off.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Good thing us fags are here to REPRESENT THE TESTOSTERONE!!!

Bitch, pull my hair, I'LL PULL BACK!!!


Why do you speak of testosterone when you carry nothing but estrogen?
Paladin said:
Shut the fuck up cunt. I am the only REAL man on this site. Now go fuck off.

A real man making up for his lack of size by the weapon his av holds.

Tisiphone said:
A real man making up for his lack of size by the weapon his av holds.


Do you wish to see the avatar I have ALWAYS used everywhere I go? I will show you a true men you whoring cunt.
Paladin said:
Do you wish to see the avatar I have ALWAYS used everywhere I go? I will show you a true men you whoring cunt.

You're more than one? You're a true men?
And Donovan, and Dark Link, and Shatna, and SSG_Sniper, and Hambil, and Sarek, and Bad Dog, and... shit... most of the guys here are PWned (that's Pussy Owned).
Conchaga said:
And Donovan, and Dark Link, and Shatna, and SSG_Sniper, and Hambil, and Sarek, and Bad Dog, and... shit... most of the guys here are PWned (that's Pussy Owned).

I own ALL OF TROLLKINGDOM and you know it. Witness it's current destruction by myself.
Uhhh? Ooooooooooooooooooooooookay there Conchaga.

I didn't know there wasn't a difference between being nice to the ladies and being pussy whipped.
Dark Link said:
Uhhh? Ooooooooooooooooooooooookay there Conchaga.

I didn't know there wasn't a difference between being nice to the ladies and being pussy whipped.

Aha! There we have the little boy who is pussywhipped by even the ugliest of females. I mean LOOK at him! Is there a greater LOSER on this earth? The guy's about 17 years of age.
Dark Link said:
Uhhh? Ooooooooooooooooooooooookay there Conchaga.

I didn't know there wasn't a difference between being nice to the ladies and being pussy whipped.

You come to every woman's defense any time one of them is trolled. EVERY TIME. The sheer fact that you're so PWned by pussy you'll never see, nor will you ever have is mind-boggling.
There is absolutely no doubt CONCHAGA is talking about DARK DINK. The fucker is absolutely correct too. The young shit does in fact defend every cunt on this site in the hopes it will earn him brownie points towards getting fucking laid. He is after all a VIRGIN.