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Merkel says German multi-cultural society has failed


Forever Empress E
Merkel says German multi-cultural society has failed

BERLIN (AFP) – Germany's attempt to create a multi-cultural society has failed completely, Chancellor Angela Merkel said at the weekend, calling on the country's immigrants to learn German and adopt Christian values.

Merkel weighed in for the first time in a blistering debate sparked by a central bank board member saying the country was being made "more stupid" by poorly educated and unproductive Muslim migrants.

"Multikulti", the concept that "we are now living side by side and are happy about it," does not work, Merkel told a meeting of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party at Potsdam near Berlin.

"This approach has failed, totally," she said, adding that immigrants should integrate and adopt Germany's culture and values.

Soon enough, Merkel will be labeled an "extremist", if she hasn't been already. The balkanization of nations and the reduction of the average education among their residents makes nations easier to manipulate, easier for transational entities to control.

Don't believe me? Take a look at every group which says multiculturalism is destructive, and see if you can't discover a common thread in the organizations that defend it against the telling of that truth.
The entire point of my previous post was not to make the assertion but to let people do the research and discover it for themselves.

So go forth and discover.
I've been studying transnational organizations in school for the past two and a half years, and I was a model UN dork before that.

Please, condescend for a moment and throw me the name of an international organization that actively and cohesively works towards "the reduction of the average education." Show me what I missed.
Nope. Especially not when you have those credentials, because you should be able to figure it out for yourself more easily than anyone else here, right?
The entire point of my previous post was not to make the assertion but to let people do the research and discover it for themselves.

So go forth and discover.

In other words you have no evidence to support your iditic theory and so you demand taht we find it for you.
In other words you have no evidence to support your iditic theory and so you demand taht we find it for you.

I have plenty of evidence. I will not, however, subject it to the standard Alinsky trap. You think you can play me until I do? You need more practice at thinking.
yes yes. I understand now. Your fear of being exposed as a fool means that you dance around truth and refuse to actualy support yyour arguments. Instead you tilt your head back so your nose points to the ceiling and act supercilious towards those who question your comments. Good on you sir. You will go far.
I am not posturing. I am laughing at you. As for the question at hand, I am not sure what that question is. You've spent so much time and effort hiding your ignorance behind spurious language that I no longer know what you think you are saying.
I am not posturing. I am laughing at you.

Which is as meaningless to the spectators in this thread as it is to me. So that can easily be dismissed.

As for the question at hand, I am not sure what that question is. You've spent so much time and effort hiding your ignorance behind spurious language that I no longer know what you think you are saying.

Then you can happily shut up now, and we can enjoy your silence.
oh no. That would be no fun for me. And since you don't have anythign interesting or relevant to say I might as well make fun of you.
Still not quite sympatico with the idea of thinking, are you. Shame, that. You'd be an interesting person if not for your relentless attempts to engage in confidence games.
Clearly, you don't. I never proposed to answer the question I raised for anyone; I merely proposed that they go out and find the answer for themselves. Of course, you know what you'd like me to say so that you can erect a strawman and shoot that answer down. It must infuriate you that I'm not cooperating in your gambit.
Not at all. I am still laughing at your audacity. You propose a completely moronic theory and demand that we do the work of supporting your theory by doing the research because you can't be arsed to do the work yourself. Or possiblyt because you know you're full of shit and don't have aleg to stand on. Not sure which and don't care. I just think it's funny.
Not at all. I am still laughing at your audacity. You propose a completely moronic theory and demand that we do the work of supporting your theory by doing the research because you can't be arsed to do the work yourself. Or possiblyt because you know you're full of shit and don't have aleg to stand on. Not sure which and don't care. I just think it's funny.

Mm hm. So point out the theory you think I'm proposing, then. Here's the original statement, to refresh your memory:

Take a look at every group which says multiculturalism is destructive, and see if you can't discover a common thread in the organizations that defend it against the telling of that truth.

No answer is provided. No conclusion means no hypothesis (a theory, by the way, is not the same thing as an hypothesis.)
your theory:

common thread in the organizations that defend it against the telling of that truth.

your demand:

Take a look at every group which says multiculturalism is destructive, and see if you can't discover a common thread

You are demanding that your readers do your work for you. You can't even be arsed to suggest even ONE start point or link to support the idea. Truly TRULY your audacity knows no bounds.