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MESSENGER falls for my trick!

He's Gonna Cry!

Hmm. I have not heard back from MESSENGER regarding the little trick I played on her which she fell for. He must be feeling pretty stupid right now yes? Poor little girl she is. *sniffle*. Someone hand MESSENGER a hanky. I think she is balling her eyes out. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I always knew he was a little girl. A dumb one at that. I bet he is the one who complained when he clicked on that 'virus' I posted. You all know. The one where I claimed to have the 'antidote' if you clicked on it? I mean I even showed THE SAME ADDRESS as the originator of the URL yet people STILL clicked on it. *ROTFLMAO*. I love how the Admins blamed ME for that one. How is it my fault everyone is so stupid? By the way, it is NOT a virus dumbass. Look at the address carefully. Fuck. Do ANY of the Admins here know anything about computers? I am insulted that I have been banned by complete computer MORONS.

I was right yes MESSENGER? You clicked on that URL didn't you? I bet this is the reason for the rage you have shown towards me as of late yes? You fell for it hook, line and sinker just as I expected you would. Incredibly, you fell for my USER CP URL link. Are you so stupid as to believe if it says USER CP it would show you my posts???? OMMFG.
Messenger said:
You're fucking crazy!!! :D:D:D:D

So cute. Denial. Do not be afraid to admit you clicked on that URL. You know you did. All the denial in the world is not going to change the facts.