Troll Kingdom

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Messenger is the MAN!

It doesn't matter what race, religion, whatever............there are good/bad people everywhere. What is in their hearts is all that matters. Knowing the difference between right and wrong, good/evil.

We have underestimated a lot of our young people. In case nobody but me has is the older folk online who have done the WORST things. As they grow older they place more..........not less..........emphasis on money and the LOVE of money. I never have understood it nor do I try anymore. A wealthy Aunt told me this one time and it has stuck with me:

You spend the first half of your life gathering, buying, collecting Stuff.
You spend the last half of your life getting rid of it.
This Isn't About Race or Religion for Me

This is about right/wrong........good/evil. All of you who have called me crazy, mocked me, watched me struggle and haven't lifted a finger to help............yet, I have helped you. I have helped the federal government. What have you done for me?? You have watched me lose everything, you have watched me suffer, you have let me take the fall for crimes I didn't commit.

My government has not answered any of my questions.

What color are you?
What religion?
Sit on the throne you have built for yourself and judge TheQuestionableSaint.
Sit on the throne you have built for yourself and judge CrankyBastard.
Sit on the throne you have built for yourself Oh Federal Government.
Grown men and women in their 30's, 40's, 50's. Look at them, see how foolish they act?
You are still on a learning curve in your 20's.
^I don't know........I don't know who is behind all the stinkin' duals. If you guys haven't learned that by now.........well---------here is a stupid pet trick!!

Come on Messenger!!!! Where did you go??? I mean.............I know you are totally on my side!!! You know how I know?? the other night you posted a link and I found the Skate board video. It triggered me to go look at my old report from 10/06 when I first started my online investigation...........YEAH!!!! I remember when I first started following links some of them lead to skate boarding, websites linked to skateboarding, I even think one of them lead to Mike Davis somehow so I had to go back and look.

Sure Nuff.............there it was!! Staring me in the face!!! I thought to myself..........that messenger, he is such a troll!! He wants what is best for could DarthSikle be wrong about this when he has been right about everything else????

So anyway, now that I know DS is wrong about you and you totally have my best interests at heart............will you explain all the IP numbers to me?? ok?? quite questioning my proof about this and proof about that and did I really have criminal acts committed upon my person and stuff like that. You are on my side!! Remember??
I bet you appreciate my trolling skills the way VKD and DS have always appreciated them. Don't you messe?? admit it. Admit you had no reason to question my Tribulations.
This is fun!!
I guys are probably thinking..........Jillian, you are one twisted troll!!

It's true. I do it purely for my entertainment and no one elses.
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
will you explain all the IP numbers to me??
IP numbers are all associated with websites. Every single site has one. You might as well be presenting a list of elements and showing the atomic weight of each of them and demand answers of some sort.

Nothing more than that.
Messenger said:
IP numbers are all associated with websites. Every single site has one. You might as well be presenting a list of elements and showing the atomic weight of each of them and demand answers of some sort.

Nothing more than that. do the blocks of IPs belong to the military or something??? Why did the Army get their pee-pee's in an uproar? whenever I sent the list??