Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
Here we go yet again. Every time MESSENGER is in DAYCARE he becomes his true psychotic self and spams DAYCARE of all places. He is too much of a coward to do it outside of DAYCARE though. Ooops. He may get banned to DAYCARE if he does so. This is a guy who bans people simply because he dislikes them when he is a Moderator. He banned certain individuals who made him look as the idiot he is. He could not take it so he banned them. Now in his anger he has decided to spam DAYCARE. Poor baby is angry because no one takes him seriously and the one time they attempted to do so he makes a complete ass of himself. Someone needs to learn self-control it seems. It is my estimation MESSEDUP has far too much time on his hands. I would suggest he get outside of mommy's basement once in awhile. Every time without fail when I enter TROLL KINGDOM he is here. Every single time. He obviously has no life outside of TROLL KINGDOM and this angers him so much he spams DAYCARE of all places. As this site is his entire life he is too afraid to spam anywhere else. As MESSENGER tends to follow me about the entire site I have made him my bitch as usual. Once again SAREK is in my forum (I own DAYCARE since I have squatting rights) and continues to follow me about. I would once again suggest SAREK and MESSEDUP share notes about the great SAINTLUCIFER and how much they are in awe of the superior entity that is I. MESSEDUP and SAREK are not banned to DAYCARE so I would ask a simple question - what are they doing here?
Lilith said:
Mess is going insane. Just ignore it and he'll be forced to bring out a new bag of tricks ;)

Did I not warn everyone this would happen if he was given Moderator status? No one listens to the great SAINTLUCIFER for fear they will fall under my spell. This is the end result. I TOLD you all this would happen. Compared to the rest of you I am fucking PSYCHIC. My superior intellect was already in evidence so now people may think it is so superior to the point I express psychic abilities heretofore unknown.
No one listened to ANYBODY Luci, not just you. It was allowed to happen because there are biases here. Nothing anyone can control when it's not our board ;)
SaintLucifer said:
Here we go yet again. Every time MESSENGER is in DAYCARE he becomes his true psychotic self and spams DAYCARE of all places.

Who's Messenger, anyway?
Lilith said:
No one listened to ANYBODY Luci, not just you. It was allowed to happen because there are biases here. Nothing anyone can control when it's not our board ;)

You're in love with me aren't you? Anyway, EVERYONE should listen to the great SAINTLUCIFER. None of this would have happened in the first place you pieces of shit. I am the voice of ORDER.