Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
I have been making my rounds at Wordforge since I first signed up ages ago as SaintLucifer. Naturally I was banned from that site in record time. Then I easily got around their IP-ban of SaintLucifer and signed up yet again as FascistCanuck. Once again I was banned. The reason? I was a dual of SaintLucifer. Fair enough. Yet again I managed to get around their IP-ban and signed up as Ghost. Another ban. Same reason - I was another dual. That makes it three IDs I have had banned from Wordforge. All three bans were the handiwork of people from TROLLKINGDOM. Seems I have earned the hatred of those individuals from TROLLKINGDOM. SAINTLUCIFER was banned from Wordforge by TAMAR_GARISH. Both FASCISTCANUCK and GHOST were the handiwork of MESSENGER/ZODIAC. The only ID that broke the TOS at Wordforge was SAINTLUCIFER and even then that is questionable but I digress.

SAINTLUCIFER was banned by TAMAR_GARISH when she was an Administrator at Wordforge. Record time it seems too. This at a time when she was a full participant here at TROLLKINGDOM. I got bored and decided to sign up again but this time as FASCISTCANUCK. Now I never changed my posting style whatsoever since I knew I would be banned. I only denied being a dual of SAINTLUCIFER to keep the Admins off my back but MESSENGER/ZODIAC recognised my style immediately. Naturally he was there 24/7 so he did not miss a beat. He followed me all over WORDFORGE and kept screaming that FASCISTCANUCK was a dual of SAINTLUCIFER. I was stunned by the sheer strength of this guy's hatred of me. As FASCISTCANUCK I did nothing more than post within discussions, expressing my own opinions. Not a single TOS was broken but MESSENGER/ZODIAC persisted like a madman demanding that I be banned. We shall review:

Notice he would not just let it go? Why? His hatred of me is overpowering.

Next I signed up as Ghost. Shall we review?
A mere child would have known that was me but why was he so desperate to point out that it was me? Simple. Hatred. *ROTFLMAO*

Here's what a member thought of MESSENGER/ZODIAC working so diligently to get me banned:
This person was fully aware of MESSENGER/ZODIAC's extreme hatred of me.
An entire thread about me (GHOST):
Notice how desperate MESSENGER/ZODIAC is about getting me banned:
...and here he is bullshitting everyone about how he has 'bitchslapped' the great SAINTLUCIFER in all his incarnations yet he does not back it up:
and yet another entire thread about me thanks to MESSENGER/ZODIAC:

Does this guy MESSENGER/ZODIAC hate me or what! Wow! I love it! I did not think it possible anyone would go to such lengths to keep someone out of a site but the URL's posted above are not all! He posted comments within every single one of my posts screaming 'It's SaintLucifer! Ban him!'. I OWN the guy's ass. Even the members of WORDFORGE were beginning to question his sanity as I have shown above. I was banned from WORDFORGE simply for having a dual since all my other accounts were banned. MESSENGER/WORDFORGE could not stand the attention I was getting from the other members so he cried foul. I would ask anyone in here to visit WORDFORGE and watch what happens when no one pays MESSENGER/ZODIAC any attention. He changes his posting style to grab their attention.

It is my opinion MESSENGER/ZODIAC literally runs WORDFORGE since he has ELWOOD and TAMAR_GARISH firmly planted in his pocket. Have they not done precisely what he demanded they do by banning me? Yes they did so I would ask WHO RUNS WORDFORGE? It is clearly MESSENGER/ZODIAC.
The above URL is proof he needs to get a life.
SaintLucifer said:
Go AROUND the ban you dipshit. There is not a site on the planet that can keep me out.

Well hello dear.... I dont believe we've been introduced! We really dont have any rules here about whats posted in which forum, but something like this would be so much better in the GFHH forum. I think you'd get more people reading and responding.

Welcome to TK and enjoy your stay.
