Troll Kingdom

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New member
I love you!!! you are my hero. I may come back once I have dealt with this white trash, I just cannot stomach being around it anymore because all this creep does is obsess over me. It is obvious they (TheQuestion, Gagh, St. Lucy---yes, I lump them all together) have some kind of "authority" on your board...........hopefully they won't run it in the ground.

I am hoping this trial happens soon, when it will know. A few people on this board will disappear.
FederalAgent007 said:
I love you!!! you are my hero. I may come back once I have dealt with this white trash, I just cannot stomach being around it anymore because all this creep does is obsess over me. It is obvious they (TheQuestion, Gagh, St. Lucy---yes, I lump them all together) have some kind of "authority" on your board...........hopefully they won't run it in the ground.

I am hoping this trial happens soon, when it will know. A few people on this board will disappear.

Christ on a stick. Don't you ever shut the fuck up? Same old tactic. Put that book down from which you are getting your ideas and go watch OPRAH or something. Shit. This is what a fucking broken record sounds like. 'Oh I will see your asses in court, I will make sure the fucking cops take you away'. We all know you are a fucking blowhard. I am crying alright. Crying tears boredom with your schtick. You are about as unoriginal as your daddy who played with your snatch when you were a kiddy. I wish this 'Brian' and this 'Eric' did exist and that they slapped you about as often as you claim they did. Kudos to the motherfuckers. Obviously they must have held back some otherwise you would have learned to shut your fucking pie hole long ago. I should go tell THUG_LUV you are a 14 year old bitch who 'dissed' him whereupon he would see fit to protect his 'honour' and slap you about the site. A damn shame he is as grand a bullshitter as you are. Now get your fucking ass back to daddy bitch. He wants you to 'take care of business'.

You have been defeated. Take it like the 'tough-as-nails' bitch you proclaim yourself to be. If you were lying, then get your ass back into mommy's basement, turn off the fucking lights and cry in the goddamn dark you stupid cunt.
^^Have millionaire father pay o/s bad debt at collection agency. Have mother assault 40 times at $28K per whack to receive 1.1 million of his money after suing him.
I think you're one of the greatest. People might not admit to this, but you were missed and regarded as one of the finest trolls here.

I mean, look at Luci's post! He's going to pop a vein any day now, girl.
^I hope he falls over dead. Think of me Messenger...........I will send you telepathic messages!!!! I am excited and a little scared, dread moving my dogs..........they know something is up cause I emptyed the storage house this week-end. Dingo is the one who is really skittish cause he was abandoned and I have trouble getting him in the car..........a vet has to come here to give him shots. I am going to get drugs for them in advance so they won't be too traumatized.

Just remember..........everytime you hear the sound of my voice..........I will be looking out for you!! *hugs Messenger*