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Michelle Manhart


New member
For the love of Christ! Ya gots to love these women who get used by Playboy magazine to scandalize the armed forces, then they whine and act like it is a travesty when they are reprimanded for official misconduct after signing an oath to serve their uniform. mmmkay?? This dimwit obviously doesn't have a clue and NO ............Michelle, I doubt they will do another "spread". GIT IT?? It is called marketing.............get a dumb soldier to take her clothes off, leak it all over the internet, let millions of people see you in an already oversaturated NUDIE/PORN helps sell magazines.

On the bright side, she is a mother of two so you know all the kids at school are stealing their dad's playboy magazines to show everybody else how hot their schoolmates mom looks after airbrushing and good photographers GIT through with their wizardly ways.
The bottom line are an idiot. The AirForce should have kicked you to da curb with a dishonorable discharge. I applaude them for taking quick disciplanary action as they always do. This is one of the more responsible branches of the military and trust me.........their are plenty other female soldiers with just as good of bodies as yours, they just aren't as stupid.

Now she can do all the porn movies and spread-eagle shots she wants. I have a feeling her future prospects are not-so-good and Playboy got what they wanted, they will not be doing another spread with her. They move other idiots like you.
Try using your brain the next time. If you have one. Women have to be smarter in this cut-throat world and you just proved your are a slag.
You obviously weren't getting a whole hell of a lot of work done on your job anyway. You would have to spend hours in the gym to be in that good of shape.

Along with having a good plastic surgeon. Does the military pay that well?? hmmm..........and you can have a criminal record??

this is starting to give me ideas.
Yep...........a bunch of dumbass military people are getting busted out as we speak.
Scott over at Ft. Sill, Bennie the FORMER police officer for kiddie porn. You guys are a bunch of winners!!

or weiners. weiner diddlers.
The Mind is a terrible thing to waste. Anyone can buy a good body...........your mind is your most powerful weapon.
You will never be able to "take back" all the nude pictures out there that will end up in millions of hands. You did it to yourself, you will regret it 10 years from now. Trust me on this. It is why I have never understood all the young girls who publish so freely...........I regret the head shot I published because it ended up on Post Office walls and America's Most Wanted.

It wasn't by choice that my criminal record was put out on the internet, it was not voluntary and now I am hunting them down like dogs so that I can retrieve every one of them.

I tricked them while they were having fun at my expense. They created a MONSTER that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. The important lesson is................I don't think any of them will do it again. You can BANK on it.

YOU on the other hand, have NO recourse for tracking anything down. It will be your legacy to your children, grandchildren. People will be able to use it as blackmail, careers could be ruined, reputations at stake. All for Vanity?? a few bucks?? the money won't go far, you won't get another Playboy movies will be the only other route.

Then the Air Force had to scramble for their Public Relations people to explain why they hired another idiot woman. tsk........tsk..........I would kick your ass to the KURB in a heartbeat, no severance pay, nothing. Read your employment manuel.............code of standards, ethics. With your rank, possible Official Misconduct. Not setting a good example for the ranks.

Quite frankly, I think the Air Force is being quite generous right now. The Nude Playboy spread isn't the only thing.....................

is it Michelle?

How long before Michelle is divorced?? You gotta wonder about her husband, he will end up kicking her to da proverbial KURB.