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Mike Davis


New member
It is to bad you weren't killed when you were run over by a truck. People like you are so fucked up you seek to destroy other people............people you don't even know because you are a CRIPPLE. Your dick doesn't work, you are dying a slow death. Why don't you just kill yourself?? The world would be better off.
Dawn............before I leave Texas I am going to make sure you are prosecuted before a criminal jury. Not only that, all this other stuff is going to come out. To think you stand by while other people lives are maliciously ruined is beyond comprehension to me. For all of you on this board who has witnessed everything and haven't come forward to me.........PISS on you. I hope this happens to you some day and if you don't think it won't..........think again.
There is more evil out there than good, so-called good people turn the other way, people hide in churches saying they are there for those who come to is something for the churches, go out and find them. You are lazy, you are cowards, you hide behind you doctrines. Listen to might have to get your hands dirty. You don't have the guts.
The first few sermons I heard in the church was about how we should be giving them money...............10%. Then they go on to pat themselves on the back about building a church in another country.
Here is something for starts at home. Look at the people in your "house"..........if you dare. Quit patting yourselves on the back, ask your own people, reach out to them.
I reached out to the church...........I was met with silence.
Oh Dawn............. I have an appt with a SLEAZY ambulance-chasing lawyer next week. One of those personal injury lawyers who walk away with most of the money in a lawsuit but I don't care. What I want is a jury, I want to ruin your life and all the others who are involved here. That is my next goal.

How is that for taking my energy and doing something worthwhile Jack?
Mike Davis is after Dawn.............if I were you I would kill myself so we don't all have to sit and watch what a pathetic cripple you are. A pathetic, GREEDY, pedophile CRIPPLE.
After that it is Jack Burden, Sanjay Lall...........I will be calling you in, if anything I am naming you in my lawsuit with the sleaziest lawyer in time. Like I said..........he can have the money, that's not the point. I want to see you people RUINED. All of you.
All I want is 10%. That should give Sleazebag lawyers plenty of incentive since they are as greedy as the rest of you. This will be fun.
Why would a man as old as Mike Davis has a myspace webpage?? When I axed him he said it was the next big dating thing, a good way to get to meet people.

Yeah.........Mike!! If you are 16. Rumor has it you like to touch little girls. Including your own daughters. Tell us it ain't so.


You there??

we all know you are Mikes good friend.
You see Tamar...............your good buddy Mike brags to all the kiddies on his myspace page about how much money he makes..........$150,000/yr, about his house in Oak Hill area of South Austin where rich people live, how he supports two households, sends his daughter to an Ivy League school back East, how the other brat gets whatever she wants since he is rolling in money, how he will be retiring in a few years to Hawaii.

This is what I want to happen to Mike. I want him to spend his entire life savings and retirement on this lawsuit I am going to bring against him. I want him to lose everything he has including his house with swimming pool. I want all the sordid details of his illegal activity to come out in the open. I want the VA to know everything he has done and I want them to lock him up in a psychiatric ward for retirement. He doesn't deserve anything better. I want everyone in Austin to know what a cripple he is. I also think everyone in Austin should know his sordid/perverted past and present behaviour and associations including his criminal activity.
I bet all of Mike's friends are rallying around him right now. *rolls eyes*

even Dawn Brown alluded to some of your nefarious activities Mike.........that is why I am going to ask for a jury, so she can explain to them everyone who is involved in this and what criminal activity. It is the only way she will be able to plead. It is also the reason I am coming after her first...........I have the best case against she and Coldwell-Banker. I already know that, I talked to a lawyer last week...........I just don't think he is going to be as sleazy as the one I am talking to next week.

I want a SLEAZY lawyer.............he will be able to better relate to this bunch.