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Minorities Cannot Be Racist

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
...or so I've been told. Yet there always incidents like this of many...

A Brentwood Middle School teacher who was twice nominated for teacher of the year filed a complaint Wednesday saying the school principal has condoned and tolerated a racially hostile environment.
Gail Auld, who heads the school's social studies department, said Principal Cassandra Jennings knew students hit, threatened, stole from and racially cursed her and did little, if anything, in response, according to her filing with the state Human Affairs Commission, the precursor to a lawsuit.
Hers is the fourth complaint filed by a Brentwood teacher alleging racial harassment or discrimination at the North Charleston school, which has been the focus of reform efforts that included a new administration this year.
Jennings, a principal specialist who took over in July to help straighten out the school, has faced problems with students attacking teachers earlier this year. In September, a 13-year-old student who tried to leave class hit her teacher and pulled her hair after being told she needed permission to leave the classroom.
In October, a substitute gym teacher was attacked and beaten by four eighth-grade boys and two seventh-grade girls, according to a police report. 'It hasn't changed.'
Shit like this happened not everyday, but frequently at my Jr and Sr High school. (not the racism part, though that did happen too, but teacher vs student and student vs. student violence).

People wonder why gun violence happens in our school. Shit like this is why. Get bullied long enough, and you want to even the score any way possible.
That's what happens, I guess. Everybody plays the racism game. Whites used to dominate the field, no denying that, but everybody plays. Now that most whites have tried to stop, they're not out of the game; they're just losing.
Hell, I never listened to that stuff. Not because of the "message", just because their sound is too damned crude for my taste. Besides, some of the most appealing WN music wasn't written by WNs and isn't meant to be taken that way.
For the kiddies who didn't know what I meant, I'll rephrase: There seems to be a lot of quibbling in your 'movement.' Maybe you should try to take care of that first.
The Question said:
Everybody plays the racism game. Whites used to dominate the field, no denying that, but everybody plays.

We need more hippies of all races! Let us all live in peace! Breed, long-haired idealistic brethren of the world!
TJHairball said:

We need more hippies of all races! Let us all live in peace! Breed, long-haired idealistic brethren of the world!

I think you missed my point. We need to slaughter all the hippies. Clear the board, as it were, so those who are playing to win aren't obstructed by those patchouli-soaked snivelling idiots.
TJHairball said:

We need more hippies of all races! Let us all live in peace! Breed, long-haired idealistic brethren of the world!

Oh yeah, that's exactly what we need: Hippies breeding and squeezing out generations of shiftless iconoclasts, cluttering up the firmament with lame chants, sucking at the federal teat to propel them through academia, then making a career of naysaying the very system which affords them the freedom to do so.


Yes, please, more fucking hippies.
I think we just need to put more doors everywhere. Doors just at random all over the place, with some high-test wood glue in the frames, about head height. Hippie-traps.