Troll Kingdom

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Cheeks blushing, chest flushed, limbs warm and tingling, thighs wet from your dripping pussy?
*lays down on the soft bed, maroon satin sheets slithering along my skin. I glance back at you with a seductive smirk, eagerly awaiting what comes next*
Removing my clothes I straddle your backside, letting my cock rest in between your ass cheeks. Starting with your scalp I begin to massage your head. Moving slowly down your neck making sure that every muscle relaxes before I move another inch. Inch by inch I move my hands down your neck, accross your shoulders and start working your back with my fingertips and the heel of my palm.
Well, I can be a bit rough. I wasn't sure if those were moans of pleasure or pain. Or, are they synonymous when it comes to that?
well, next time I won't take it so easy on you. Also, you'll be tied down with at least one sex toy inserted into a yet to be decided hole.