Funny, they know I'm from TK and I get along just fine. Maybe it's more if they think you're gonna smear shit all over the walls that they banhammer.
Right Jack?
Funny, they know I'm from TK and I get along just fine. Maybe it's more if they think you're gonna smear shit all over the walls that they banhammer.
Right Jack?
Maybe they don't find a man in a dress threatening. Is that you or that other guy, you both post the same obsequious bullshit.
Maybe they don't find a man in a dress threatening. Is that you or that other guy, you both post the same obsequious bullshit.
I had no intention to smear shit or any other foul substance over their walls, so that's no excuse
I assume they're paranoid or frightened of TK - just like Exisle, Trekbbs and many other boards
Look who's owning themselves in this thread?
@ FW
cakewalk = Hair Of The Dog at Mock.
No, you have socks when at one forum you create more than one account with zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...
what was I saying?