have no shortage of women in my life. I assure you that many people would kill to have the kind of [censored] life that I consider every day and normal.
It's the U greed err grade collectors that take no responsibility for the damage that they're doing that are the blight on the hobby in my eyes...
What an attention whore! JosephY, attention whore extraordinaire. There are a lot of references to the nuances of Star Wars collecting in this thread, but I must share it with all of you. JosephY is one of the more prominent Star Wars collectors. First, the link:
Star Wars Collector Considers Abandoning Hobby
Now, the explanation of what you are seeing in this thread:
1) JoeY: I'm leaving the collecting community. There is too much fraudulent activity.
2) Other Posters: No, don't leave. U R so Awesum!
3) JoeY: Well, actually my leaving more has to do with my cash flow problems.
4) Other Posters: No, don't leave. U R so Awesum!
5) JoeY: All of the stuff I really really want is not for sale.
6) Other Posters: No, don't leave. U R so Awesum!
7) JoeY: But if someone were to give me the stuff I want I might be more interested in staying.
8) Rulair94: Is collecting Star Wars such a big deal to you?
9) JoeY: OMG now I must prove to you that I am a manly man.