Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Everytime we went to parades, whenever the band started playing he would immediately go beserk, charge the marchers and go crashing through both the players and all of their instruments. After being beaten to a mindless pulp bo both the police and several spectators, he was eventually banned from taking part in any type of ceremonial events.
At first I thought this was due to a bad experience he suffered in his youth (something about being ass-raped by clown midgets). I'm not sure, but today we finally found the source of his irratic and often hostile behavior.
The Doctors have officially disgnoised him as suffering from something called Aulophobia (which is fear of flutes).
I think this is due to one of those midget guys forcing him to eat several plates of re-fried beans as a child, them ramming a flute up his ass whenever he farted, then danced to the different sounds that came out!
Well, at least we know why he acts to violently to music now. :huh:
At first I thought this was due to a bad experience he suffered in his youth (something about being ass-raped by clown midgets). I'm not sure, but today we finally found the source of his irratic and often hostile behavior.
The Doctors have officially disgnoised him as suffering from something called Aulophobia (which is fear of flutes).
I think this is due to one of those midget guys forcing him to eat several plates of re-fried beans as a child, them ramming a flute up his ass whenever he farted, then danced to the different sounds that came out!
Well, at least we know why he acts to violently to music now. :huh: