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My Guess for MX

I think he is me, when I'm PMSing and perimenopausal at the same time, and I'm on the good drugs and out of my mind. Okay, probably not, but its a plausible excuse.
I remember that Lilac is male, and enjoys posters initially thinking Lilac is female. There was more, but I forgot. Lilac has also not posted (that I've noticed) for a while. I remember Lilac was here when Comicon dropped by. No, I had not registered yet. Well, I was registered as Gross Out! at the time, but I have never posted with that account.
Lilac is a member at LoNAF. I can tell you with 100% certainty MX is not him.
I've always assumed it is The Question -- but once again, don't really care.

Duals aren't the same as the people behind them. I dislike MX but probably like the normal poster. You know, the one constrained by TK society.
I think I know who Lilac is the dual for, but that isn't germaine to this convo anyway.