The Legendary Troll King
Now this is fun.
First, you take dirt pot, just shit...remove sticks, stems and seeds. Pulverize the powder (put it through the screen in a hand grinder for the perfect consistency), try to create about a 1/4 lb of powder per batch.
Next: Percolating!
I've created sort of a pot percolator based on the idea of drip coffee. I have a large heat sink on which sits a stainless steel pot. I've rigged a soxlet basket contraption to the top of the pot, that's a modfied pressure cooker lid with a cooling tower attached to the top.
I put a coffee filter in the soxlet basket and put the four oz of powder in. I fill the pot to the mark with grain alcohol (about a half liter), turn on the heat and seal the pot.
Grain alcohol vaporizes at 173 degrees, so I bring the heat up to that point over the course of a half hour. \Aat 173, I let the alcohol drip vaporize, cool in the tower chamber rig (which it does) and then drip through the soxlet basket. It takes about 18-24 hours to completely leach all the raw resin out of the powder like this, so I just visit the pot from time to time.
After a day of that, I turn off the heat and let the pot cool (about 20 minutes), then slowly bring the heat back up to 120-125 so everything mixes freely. This resin is mostly THC delta's 5=6=and 7. The 6 is active, but the others aren't.
So, I add about 2 ounces of H2So4 (sulfuric acid). CAREFULLY of course, this is real chemistry, so if you dont know how to handle shit like this, don't bother. Anyway, the acid rotates all the deltas into delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, which is what you're looking for, and the acid also neutralizes the grain alcohol.
You then take about a half ounce of baking soda and wash the mixture with water with it til the BS comes out. This neutralizes the H2So4.
Now you have about 2.5 ounces of pure, active hash oil.
Next: Red Leb and the GRAIL
First, you take dirt pot, just shit...remove sticks, stems and seeds. Pulverize the powder (put it through the screen in a hand grinder for the perfect consistency), try to create about a 1/4 lb of powder per batch.
Next: Percolating!
I've created sort of a pot percolator based on the idea of drip coffee. I have a large heat sink on which sits a stainless steel pot. I've rigged a soxlet basket contraption to the top of the pot, that's a modfied pressure cooker lid with a cooling tower attached to the top.
I put a coffee filter in the soxlet basket and put the four oz of powder in. I fill the pot to the mark with grain alcohol (about a half liter), turn on the heat and seal the pot.
Grain alcohol vaporizes at 173 degrees, so I bring the heat up to that point over the course of a half hour. \Aat 173, I let the alcohol drip vaporize, cool in the tower chamber rig (which it does) and then drip through the soxlet basket. It takes about 18-24 hours to completely leach all the raw resin out of the powder like this, so I just visit the pot from time to time.
After a day of that, I turn off the heat and let the pot cool (about 20 minutes), then slowly bring the heat back up to 120-125 so everything mixes freely. This resin is mostly THC delta's 5=6=and 7. The 6 is active, but the others aren't.
So, I add about 2 ounces of H2So4 (sulfuric acid). CAREFULLY of course, this is real chemistry, so if you dont know how to handle shit like this, don't bother. Anyway, the acid rotates all the deltas into delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, which is what you're looking for, and the acid also neutralizes the grain alcohol.
You then take about a half ounce of baking soda and wash the mixture with water with it til the BS comes out. This neutralizes the H2So4.
Now you have about 2.5 ounces of pure, active hash oil.
Next: Red Leb and the GRAIL