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My wisdom teeth are coming through


Grand Wizard of TK
Now I know what it's like to be teething as an adult.

Has anyone else here let their wisdom teeth come all the way through?
Mine came in. And I probably should have pulled them a long time ago. But they seem fine.

That, and I have no dental plan.
I've had mine's pulled out on the left side of my jaw.

GTC, it sucks. I still remember poking at my gums trying to tear away what prevented them from emerging.

Just deal with it, because there ain't nothing you can do save for uncalled surgery.
Mine came in impacted, because there wasn't enough room for them. I had to have all of them surgically removed.

That was loads of fun.
My bottom wisdom teeth were impacted, and the top ones flaired out like tusks or something. When I went into the Army, they took one look and scheduled me for what turned out to be two hours of hell. I ultimately took 16 shots of novacaine in the mouth, plus they sliced the inside of my right cheek in order to be able to get to one tooth.

Just giving GTC something to anticipate. ;)
I had them removed, and I was out of commission for a whole week.

I've been in close contact with three other people when theirs were removed, and each could talk and live a normal life almost immediately after.

One got a reaction from the novacaine and got hiccups for so long he had to go to the hospital.
Mine flare up sometimes, and it fricken hurts! And it's annoying to brush my teeth because the gums around my one wisdom tooth formed a "food trap". Ugh
Since the discussion has taken a more intellectual tone, let's talk about how wisdom teeth come occasionally impacted due to the fact that humans, in the old days, had fewer teeth. The remaining ones would shift towards the front including wisdom teeth.

Evolution suxx0rz!
When mine were removed I woke up with a blood clot the exact shape and size of my mouth cavity.

When I opened my mouth it apparantly resembled the expulsion of a placenta. The Nurse told me this before giving me a glass of water - this was handy as my bleeding started all over again.
CoyoteUgly said:
My bottom wisdom teeth were impacted, and the top ones flaired out like tusks or something. When I went into the Army, they took one look and scheduled me for what turned out to be two hours of hell. I ultimately took 16 shots of novacaine in the mouth, plus they sliced the inside of my right cheek in order to be able to get to one tooth.

Just giving GTC something to anticipate. ;)

Sounds like me... (apart from the Army thing of course).... the roots were curved like fish hooks and they yanked and yanked and yanked.... my jaws were swollen and bruised for a week, it looked like I had gone 9 rounds or something. Then there are all of the loose shards of bone that work their way out for the next year....

GTC, you are in a socialist country with great free care of all kinds, go get them taken care of.

My dentist was kind; I was put under a general. Woke up with a mouth full of bloody cotton, and apparently cursed out the nurse who woke me.

Spend that day on pain pills watching old movies on VHS my mom went down to The Wherehouse and rented for me, as well as a steady supply of milkshakes. That was my last "illness" living at home--mommy took good care of her only son.

Went to work the next day, but came home early. Couldn't answer the phone--I sounded like I had a mouth full of food. And finally had to take a pain pill, and got loopy. Took the next day off, which was a Saturday, and was fine by Monday.
Grandtheftcow said:
Now I know what it's like to be teething as an adult.

Has anyone else here let their wisdom teeth come all the way through?

Its no problem, you'll get used to it. Be thankful they are not impacted as 1 of mine was and I needed surgury. Do have them taken out if you have or get a job that has dental insurance. They are not the same makeup as your other teeth and will rot out when you get in your 40's. I had my last one out last year at 44.
I saved mine. The top ones, anyway.


The lowers were impacted and had to be cut out. I had a valium an hour before going in, and they put me under general during surgery. Don't remember a thing, never felt a thing, and continued not feeling a thing for three days after. It was great!
I do not now nor have I ever had wisdom teeth. Yes, let the jokes begin.

My dentist was very impressed and commented that I am fully evolved. And I said, "Jesus don't make no wisdom teef! Dems da work a da devil!"...I was all high on laughing gas.

True story
Number_6 said:
Mine came in impacted, because there wasn't enough room for them. I had to have all of them surgically removed.

That was loads of fun.

Ditto, all four at once in my case. They had to break my jaw to get the lower right one out.

If they are just coming in have them out as soon as possible.
had all four of mine taken out in the dental surgery - the 'sedative' didn't work, they hurt me, I punched the dentist, I got banned from the surgery... so began my loathing of all things dental ;)