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Poverty leads to crime? :?: Something's not right here . . .
The critical point of difference is that of ethnic composition. Charleston has a minority population of approximately 15%, in marked contrast to the other cities. Its serious crime rate is NOT lower. And despite the media publicity about AIDS, gangs and drive by shootings in the urban areas, the overall death rate in Charleston, West Virginia is higher than any of the other cities.
But poverty in West Virginia is overwhelmingly rural, not urban.
The most important difference, however, is in the category of "race." The three poor West Virginia counties are overwhelmingly white. Mingo County has an African American population of 2.4% and an Hispanic population of .4%. In the other two counties, the percentage of minorities are negligible. Thus, all the images of poverty--teen mothers, welfare, unemployment--are markedly present for a predominantly white population.
The only "underclass" indicator that is lower for these counties is that of serious crime. As a state, West Virginia boasts the lowest crime rate in the nation.
Poverty leads to crime? :?: Something's not right here . . .