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NASA finds Proof of Alien Life


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I knew it was only a matter of time :cool:

NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life
Andrew Couts Andrew Couts – Sat Mar 5, 5:28 pm ET

Aliens exist, and we have proof.

That astonishingly awesome claim comes from Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, who says he has found conclusive evidence of alien life — fossils of bacteria found in an extremely rare class of meteorite called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. (There are only nine such meteorites on planet Earth.) Hoover’s findings were published late Friday night in the Journal of Cosmology, a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

“I interpret it as indicating that life is more broadly distributed than restricted strictly to the planet earth,” Hoover, who has spent more than 10 years studying meteorites around the world, told in an interview. “This field of study has just barely been touched — because quite frankly, a great many scientist would say that this is impossible.”

Hoover discovered the fossils by breaking apart the CI1 meteorite, and analyzing the exposed rock with a scanning-electron microscope and a field emission electron-scanning microscope, which allowed him to detect any fossil remains. What he found were fossils of micro-organisms, many of which he says are strikingly similar to those found on our own planet.

“The exciting thing is that they are in many cases recognizable and can be associated very closely with the generic species here on earth,” said Hoover. Some of the fossils, however, are quite odd. “There are some that are just very strange and don’t look like anything that I’ve been able to identify, and I’ve shown them to many other experts that have also come up stump.”

In order to satisfy the inevitable hoard of buzz-killing skeptics, Hoover’s study and evidence were made available to his peers in the scientific community in advance of the study’s publications, giving them a chance to thoroughly dissect his findings. Comments from those who decided to sift through the evidence will be published online, alongside the study.

“Given the controversial nature of his discovery, we have invited 100 experts and have issued a general invitation to over 5,000 scientists from the scientific community to review the paper and to offer their critical analysis,” writes Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics scientist Dr. Rudy Schild, who serves as the Journal of Cosmology’s editor-in-chief. “No other paper in the history of science has undergone such a thorough vetting, and never before in the history of science has the scientific community been given the opportunity to critically analyze an important research paper before it is published.”

Needless to say, if Hoover’s conclusions are found to be accurate, the implications for human life will be staggering. Here’s to hoping that he’s right.

They shall eventually discover that the fossils are remnants of AMERICANS. This would explain why everyone abhors Americans, why they are so fucking odd.
At least America is a fully independent country and not still dependent on a tiny island across the Atlantic for it's government like Cannuckistan is. And by "Cannuckistan", I mean Canada. I just hope that your microbe-sized brain could comprehend that Luci.

Oh, might I add Luci, Canada is even more full of "commie pinko libtards" than America.
At least America is a fully independent country and not still dependent on a tiny island across the Atlantic for it's government like Cannuckistan is. And by "Cannuckistan", I mean Canada. I just hope that your microbe-sized brain could comprehend that Luci.

Oh, might I add Luci, Canada is even more full of "commie pinko libtards" than America.

You are an idiot. We have been 'fully independent' since 1867, you moron. The ties we keep with Britain are merely cultural, a way of keeping touch with our past. YOUR past involves traitorous actions, and you Americans are proud to be traitors. It is no wonder your homeland is overrun with criminals and all manner of lowly scum. At least we retain our heritage, whilst yours is that of a traitorous people now overrun by greasy-haired, hairnet-wearing 'SPICS, not to mention the fact yours is a nation OWNED by JEWS.

Canada has its share of commie pinko libtards, but the USA has more of those than we have PEOPLE. I find it amusing you would post to this effect when yours is a nation whose auto industry is owned by the people, your very BANKS are owned by the people. Such is not the case here. In CANADA, we practise capitalism more than you do. We have far greater regulations in our capitalist society, which would suggest the presence of FASCISM. 'Tis wonderful to know our form of fascism works, since our banks were the ONLY BANKS in the world untouched by the mess you greedy motherfuckers created.
Well, maybe if we had been doted on by Britain like Canada was, our Revolution would have been like yours. Instead, a raving lunatic was king at the time, whose piss was blue, and who passed several acts that were good for nobody. I believe they were called "The Intolerable Acts" for a reason.

Also, the reason that America has more liberals than Canada has people, but is still more conservative than Canada is because Canada has a greater percentage of liberals than America. And Canada is far more socialist than America.


Well, maybe if we had been doted on by Britain like Canada was, our Revolution would have been like yours. Instead, a raving lunatic was king at the time, whose piss was blue, and who passed several acts that were good for nobody. I believe they were called "The Intolerable Acts" for a reason.

Also, the reason that America has more liberals than Canada has people, but is still more conservative than Canada is because Canada has a greater percentage of liberals than America. And Canada is far more socialist than America.



Canada is more socialist than America? Um, who owns the banks in the USA? The people of the USA. That's collectivism, bitch. Who owns the auto industry in the USA? Oh yes, the American people.

As for the King, you Americans bitched and complained because He demanded you pay for your fair share of the protection He afforded you via His redcoats against the Indians. You refused to pay for that share, so he told you to go fuck yourselves, that you are paying for it nevertheless. PWNed bitches.
At least America is a fully independent country and not still dependent on a tiny island across the Atlantic for it's government like Cannuckistan is. And by "Cannuckistan", I mean Canada. I just hope that your microbe-sized brain could comprehend that Luci.

Oh, might I add Luci, Canada is even more full of "commie pinko libtards" than America.

Well, maybe if we had been doted on by Britain like Canada was, our Revolution would have been like yours. Instead, a raving lunatic was king at the time, whose piss was blue, and who passed several acts that were good for nobody. I believe they were called "The Intolerable Acts" for a reason.

Also, the reason that America has more liberals than Canada has people, but is still more conservative than Canada is because Canada has a greater percentage of liberals than America. And Canada is far more socialist than America.



Don't be so hatin' upon the Dominion of Canada. Lucy is but ONE whiny bitch having her period.

Dissing the Great White North 'cause of Lucy be like a Maple Leaf dissing ths U.S.A. 'cause of OmahaStar.

My 3 cent$:shrug:
Don't be so hatin' upon the Dominion of Canada. Lucy is but ONE whiny bitch having her period.

Dissing the Great White North 'cause of Lucy be like a Maple Leaf dissing ths U.S.A. 'cause of OmahaStar.

My 3 cent$:shrug:

Canada has not been a dominion for quite some time, dear child.

I am the best thing to ever happen to my beloved Canada. EVERYONE disses the USA, because that shithole is a joke that doesn't know when to mind its own fucking business. A good thing we are starting to own that dump. Be good when we own it outright, and turn it into a parking lot.
I should like to remind everyone that NASA had claimed to have found fossilised life on fucking MARS. Ignore this shit. These are the same lying motherfuckers who faked the Moon landings.
NASA finds proof of alien life and it turns out to be some kind of bacteria. I just bought a shot gun and a crash helmet.
I should like to remind everyone that NASA had claimed to have found fossilised life on fucking MARS. Ignore this shit. These are the same lying motherfuckers who faked the Moon landings.

Eh, no. That was a rock from Mars that impacted in Antarctica. But I assume that your severe case of mental retardation would prevent you from understanding that.

Also Luci, you're not a Nazi, not even close. You're too over-the-top. I mean seriously, it's one thing to make your point of view known from time-to-time. That would be believable. It's quite another to say it hundreds of times. I've met Neo-Nazis in real life. They weren't NEARLY as over-the-top as you. And they were of the redneck variety. They were trillions of times as intelligent and articulate as you, and considering that they were forest-dwelling yokels who would call teachers who wore purple shirts fags to their faces, that says a lot about your intelligence, or rather, lack thereof.

And the fact that you say that you are a god over and over again makes me think that you're just some crack-addict, who figured out how to work a computer, and went "Oh Big and Yellow! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!". And your obsession with your penis makes me think that yours is tiny and concave, not unlike another douchenozzle from Canada, Mike Wong, or maybe I should say, Mike Wongless. So drop the schtick already.
Eh, no. That was a rock from Mars that impacted in Antarctica. But I assume that your severe case of mental retardation would prevent you from understanding that.

Also Luci, you're not a Nazi, not even close. You're too over-the-top. I mean seriously, it's one thing to make your point of view known from time-to-time. That would be believable. It's quite another to say it hundreds of times. I've met Neo-Nazis in real life. They weren't NEARLY as over-the-top as you. And they were of the redneck variety. They were trillions of times as intelligent and articulate as you, and considering that they were forest-dwelling yokels who would call teachers who wore purple shirts fags to their faces, that says a lot about your intelligence, or rather, lack thereof.

And the fact that you say that you are a god over and over again makes me think that you're just some crack-addict, who figured out how to work a computer, and went "Oh Big and Yellow! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!". And your obsession with your penis makes me think that yours is tiny and concave, not unlike another douchenozzle from Canada, Mike Wong, or maybe I should say, Mike Wongless. So drop the schtick already.

I see you don't know anything about the Mars probes and their discoveries. Let me see. The Mars probes were on Mars. However did you come to the conclusion they discovered life in Antarctica? That was a previous discovery, one I am not talking about. You see, I followed the Mars probes mission, since the majority of those probes had components manufactured in Canada.

You are comparing skinhead neo-Nazis who wouldn't know Nazism if it came up and slapped them square in the face? You admit yourself they are nothing more than 'rednecks' and 'forest-dwelling yokels', therefore destroying your own argument, especially when you describe said rednecks as 'intelligent' and 'articulate'. You mock their limited intellect, whilst at the same time suggesting they are in fact intelligent. You are quite the moron who has lost his way. My Nazism is real, for I understand the ideology, and I stand by it all the way. The morons you speak of do so for attention.

I find it most interesting that you brought up my schlong. Why, are you displaying an interest in sucking it or something?

You really need to step down. You are but an amateur of limited intellect whenever you peer in my direction. You are, simply put, not in my league. You would do well to bow down before someone you KNOW is your better.
I see you don't know anything about the Mars probes and their discoveries. Let me see. The Mars probes were on Mars. However did you come to the conclusion they discovered life in Antarctica? That was a previous discovery, one I am not talking about. You see, I followed the Mars probes mission, since the majority of those probes had components manufactured in Canada.

You are comparing skinhead neo-Nazis who wouldn't know Nazism if it came up and slapped them square in the face? You admit yourself they are nothing more than 'rednecks', therefore destroying your own argument, especially when you describe said rednecks as 'intelligent' and 'articulate'. My Nazism is real, for I understand the ideology, and I stand by it all the way. The morons you speak of do so for attention.

I find it most interesting that you brought up my schlong. Why, are you displaying an interest in sucking it or something?

You really need to step down. You are but an amateur of limited intellect whenever you peer in my direction. You are, simply put, not in my league. You would do well to bow down before someone you KNOW is your better.

You can't possibly be this retarded. I'm pretty sure that your retardedness violates several laws of physics.

It was the fossil evidence of life on Mars that came from the Mars rock that landed in Antarctica. The Viking Mars probes that ran tests had inconclusive results, leading to the theory that Mars is lifeless.

As for those Neo-Nazi rednecks, I was even saying that they were complete morons, yet still trillions of times smarter than you.

The only interest I have in your schlong is putting it in the Guiness Book of World Records for being the World's Tiniest Penis.

You're right. I'm not in your league. I'd have to decrease my IQ by several quintillion points and become conceited to the point of reality-warping to do so.