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Of Obervations and Inquiries...


I've been reading lately about the processes of thinking (gee, I wonder why? ;) ).

Anyway, I found this online book called Laws of Wisdom by R.C.L.

In one chapter, he talks of the research of Jean Houston. She experimented with mind expanding drugs as a means to achieve an altered state of consciousness:

In 1966 Jean Houston and R. E. L. Master wrote their provocative and controversial book, The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience, documenting their work with these mind altering drugs. Jean and her husband had guided or observed over 206 psychedelic sessions, most of which were with LSD or peyote. With this drug research they explored all three brains and all four sides, delving deep into the collective unconscious.

Their discoveries were astounding. When used properly they found that LSD would awaken most anyone from the consensus trance, greatly expanding their consciousness and awakening previously-unsuspected potentials. Many of their subjects, and they themselves, had profound positive experiences of transcendence. In many cases this expansion of consciousness culminated in a peak state of pure Awareness, or union with God, the mystic experience behind what Aldous Huxley called the "perennial philosophy". Jean Houston and Robert Masters developed very powerful procedures using LSD which allowed them to explore the brain and invoke religious experiences of union with the infinite. Unfortunately their research was cut short by the politics of the time and legislation outlawing psychedelic drugs.
Now, I've never been into heavy drug use (only occasional, and a long time ago). I'm toying with the idea odf experimenting, tho, in the hopes of gaining answers to many unanswered questions. She's also written books on how to achieve these altered states thru non-drug use. I'm researching those, also.

As an aside, this Jean chick seems to be a postmodernist:

"An emphasis on myth and story began to be essential to my work since about 1980. I discovered that one could go further and deeper with human capacities development work if it was encoded in myth. This is because the Great Story inherent in many myths provides the template for transformation. However ancient, myths carry the coded matrices of the next steps in human development and evolution."

Just food for thought...
Sorry, but that material alludes to a method which seems almost diametrically opposed to objective research and verifiable/falsifiable theory.


With this drug research they explored all three brains and all four sides, delving deep into the collective unconscious.

First, and most obviously, each human being has only one brain. The phrase "three brains and four sides" is pretty obviously derivative of phrases found in Buddhist texts, wherein mystical concepts are lent an artificial air of credibility by virtue of being described in arbitrary numbers.

Second, although there are some amusing findings out there (I seem to recall reading of devices which randomly display 1s or 0s being placed at various universities around the world and registering large, anomalous non-randomizations just before major catastrophes) a "collective unconscious" in our species remains firmly planted in the realm of fantasy.


Their discoveries were astounding.

They gave people acid. Those people got high. While high, those people couldn't tie their own shoelaces anymore, but thought they had become geniuses. No, that's not really astounding at all.

When used properly they found that LSD would awaken most anyone from the consensus trance, greatly expanding their consciousness and awakening previously-unsuspected potentials.

We might benefit from asking what research this couple had done into non-altered consciousness before administering this study. Because without a control group comparable to the experimental group, or -- at the very least -- a baseline state for the experimental group, they would simply have no way to know what these peoples' consciousness had been "expanded" from, or what potentials had been achieved which were not achievable in a baseline state.

Many of their subjects, and they themselves, had profound positive experiences of transcendence.

This is just about as obvious as I should think anyone would need it to be in order to realize that these people were not conducting anything resembling scientific research. But in case it's not, let's proceed, with:

Jean Houston and Robert Masters developed very powerful procedures using LSD which allowed them to explore the brain and invoke religious experiences of union with the infinite.

Yeah. Question: Where are these two brilliant researchers now?


"An emphasis on myth and story began to be essential to my work since about 1980. I discovered that one could go further and deeper with human capacities development work if it was encoded in myth. This is because the Great Story inherent in many myths provides the template for transformation. However ancient, myths carry the coded matrices of the next steps in human development and evolution."

Snake oil. Ladies and gentlemen, Jean Houston and Robert Masters plainly and simply peddle snake oil.

PBM, I appreciate that you've found the need for clearer thinking -- but hallucinogens and/or mysticism are going to lead you away from clearer thinking, not to it. Logic and objectivity will lead you to it.
It just occurred to me I didn't post a link to my quotes. Sorry...

Laws of Human Consciousness

You have some very good points, TQ. Logically, it makes sense that the clearest, most concise thinking takes place when the mind is sharpest. Hallucinogenics greatly reduce that sharpness.
As an aside, this Jean chick seems to be a postmodernist:

"An emphasis on myth and story began to be essential to my work since about 1980. I discovered that one could go further and deeper with human capacities development work if it was encoded in myth. This is because the Great Story inherent in many myths provides the template for transformation. However ancient, myths carry the coded matrices of the next steps in human development and evolution."

Uh, anybody who talks about "the next steps in human development and evolution" is not making a postmodern argument. You ought not throw around terms you don't understand.
Number_6 said:
Of Mice and Men.

So there.

Even if no one else does, I see the delicious irony here.


Wordin, is not postmodernism about dissecting the Grand Narrative into a lot of little ones? That seems to be what Houston is saying here. I might be mistaken, tho.

Uh, you ought not throw around condescension when you haven't even cut your baby teeth yet. ;)
Wordin, is not postmodernism about dissecting the Grand Narrative into a lot of little ones? That seems to be what Houston is saying here. I might be mistaken, tho.

Yes, you are mistaken. He's saying exactly the opposite. Your reading comprehension is dismal.
WordInterrupted said:
Yes, you are mistaken. He's saying exactly the opposite. Your reading comprehension is dismal.
Your reading comprehension and gender differentiation is equally dismal. Jean Houston is a woman. ;)