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Ogami FAILS at discussion

I guess you debate by telepathy.

Our very last words of discussion on this idea were, to quote your opening post:

Perhaps you'd like to organize an orderly thread, you and I discuss issue [x], and no one else, no insults, etc?

Comments on this post Ogami Sure, my closed election thread is open, see my last post

As I clearly stated, my last post on my election thread (dated the same day as your post, the 6th)contains a concise summary of issues and stands I have, all perfectable debatable. You're counting the days like a moron and you haven't bothered to go look and chat.

Since you are incapable of clicking on the thread I pointed you to, here is the exact quote as it appears on page 2 of my poll thread:

Coming in third were Democrats with 5 votes, the clear winner and a solid bet to make. The news media and the Democrats are already celebrating their inevitable victory. But historically, the out-of-power party normally cleans up in off-year elections, which is why the GOP hold on congress was a surprise for some in 2002. (I knew they'd hold it then and in 2004, of course).

If the Democrats win the election tomorrow, I don't think it will be because the public think the Democrats have a better plan for Iraq or anything else. It will just be change for change's sake, which is pretty stupid. In this case, change for change's sake will be higher taxes for every boob that voted the Democrats back into power, along with exciting endless televised hearings on contracts for rebuilding Iraq, and presumed war criminal hearings determined to root out anyone who so much as looked the wrong way at a captured terrorist. That's change for change's sake? But that's what you'll get with a Democrat majority. And the public will deserve every bit of it, too.

Oh, I almost forgot, the overall winner of the poll was "there is no fourth choice", a good catch-all for those who think both political parties equally corrupt and inane. I vote Republican, but Bush is no Reagan republican or even a Nixon republican.

Despite shrill Democrat claims about Bush being an "extreme neocon", he's a go-along sort of leader, signing off on billions of new federal spending on education, farm aid, hurricane aid, and all sorts of other boondoggles that are deemed compassionate as long as someone else pays the bill years to come.

A true conservative president would have slashed social spending and balanced the budget even with a global war on terror, he/she would have built a real security wall along the Mexican border and manned it with armed guards the whole way, like the borders of most of the world. We'd have cut off every penny of foreign aid to all countries, like Egypt and Israel, who paradoxically both take tens of millions worth of aid from us yet sit eyeing each other warily across their border. We shouldn't be bribing China with a massive trade deficit while they give nothing but junk in return, we're actually subsidizing communism there. (Why we had a different strategy with the Soviet Union, I have no idea.)

I'm sure liberals have their own list of a dream presidency, but we'll never get it. All we get are grinning buffoons from either party who tell us they care about us while taxing us too much and not cutting spending enough. With that in mind, enjoy election 2006!

Debate away!
Ogami said:
I guess you debate by telepathy.

Our very last words of discussion on this idea were, to quote your opening post:
Sorry, I didn't notice your last pathetic, cowardly cop-out (Excluding the one present in this thread). But please continue to post here from some 'knowledgable' standpoint whilst being too cowardly to accept my challenge. It makes us leftist twats giggle with glee.
Fine by me, you win whatever debate you thought you were engaged in. I concede.

As of November 7th, my views have just been conclusively proven to be in the minority. The American people have spoken, and they believe it when Democrats say they were lied to over Iraq, they believe the Democrats when they say a cure for Parkinson's is just around the corner, but those dastardly Repugnicans won't let us fix it! So I say fine, the Democrats have won the debates, they've won the arguments, the game is theirs.

It's no coincidence that the drumbeat of negative news over Afghanistan and Iraq has quelled, as well as negative news about the economy. Because with the Democrats in charge, there's no longer any reason for the media to constantly drill home how terrible all these things are. No, with the Democrats running things, everything is rosy! How could it be otherwise? So we leave things to their caring hands. They've got all the answers, so let them handle it. :)

I've updated that thread. Perhaps I wasn't clear when I meant to convey that it would be a 1 on 1 debate.

Are you going to continuously cite a 'technicality' or something?
Bush did not block, ban, bar, or deny any form of stem cell research, period.

The federal government does not block, ban, bar, deny, ANY form of stem cell research.

Please research the issue a little more and check back with me. I'm not going to do your legwork for you. (Okay, I'll give you another hint: your error is in your first sentence 'Bush blocked that research.')

Messenger said:
I've updated that thread. Perhaps I wasn't clear when I meant to convey that it would be a 1 on 1 debate.

Are you going to continuously cite a 'technicality' or something?
I've given Messenger a couple of days, still no answer. I'll repeat it:

Messenger wrote:

Bush blocked that research.

You're wrong.

The federal government does not block, ban, bar, deny, ANY form of stem cell research.

I'm right.
