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Oh the Irony?


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
So you know how I hate the spics and wetbacks and what-not. Well today I got a call from my dad's half brother, a half brother I knew nothing about. You're thinking that old grandpa ran around behind grandma's back but no. Grandma and Grandpa were getting divorced and during their seperation Grandma got lucky and got pregnant. With three teenagers at home and no husband Grandma gave baby up for adoption and now baby has come looking for health history info. Baby was better off not knowing but anyway, turns out baby was raised by hispanics. I wonder if baby's parents knew baby was fully half Swedish and the other half Northern European according to baby's birth certificate. And of all things, baby's adopted little sister is none other than Dr. Ellen Ochoa PhD, first hispanic female astronaut. Jesus fuck this day couldn't get any weirder.