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Oh, those poor hard-working invaders.

I'm sure it's just a "Cultural Misunderstanding".

She'd have moved on to giving the kid some glue to sniff soon enough and then she wouldn't have to slam it against the floor to make it quiet.


Love those "nanny cams".
Paladin said:
Video not work for Paladin but he read story. This all your fault US racist country make babysitter angry because not give citizenship. She not get citizenship only because skin brown and she Hispanic. If US not racist this problem not happen. Your fault cause happen. Paladin tell US give citizenship all illegal immigrants then peace no problem.
Paladin said:
Video not work for Paladin but he read story. This all your fault US racist country make babysitter angry because not give citizenship. She not get citizenship only because skin brown and she Hispanic. If US not racist this problem not happen. Your fault cause happen. Paladin tell US give citizenship all illegal immigrants then peace no problem.

Actually, the problem happened because the nanny was racist and thought being of Anahuac descent put her above the law. Here's another road to peace -- destroy Mexico. Don't just take it over, utterly obliterate every single city, town and village within their borders. It'd take about two weeks, tops. Just smash it, destroy it all, finish the fence and give every illegal here the option of learning their English and paying back taxes, or death. There's another way we'd have peace. And for every single liberal who tries to start protests or raise a stink, we say, "If you feel that strongly about Mexicans demanding rights they're not entitled to here, fine -- congratulations, you're a Mexican, get on the fucking bus!"
Ogami said:
They're not invaders. The approved term is apparently the "newly-arrived". (chuckle)

Fuck the approved term. They breached a country's border and illegally occupy land here, that makes them invaders.
Paladin said:
Video not work for Paladin but he read story. This all your fault US racist country make babysitter angry because not give citizenship. She not get citizenship only because skin brown and she Hispanic. If US not racist this problem not happen. Your fault cause happen. Paladin tell US give citizenship all illegal immigrants then peace no problem.

Your nanny repeatedly slammed your head against the floor didn't she? Come on, admit it.
The Question said:
Actually, the problem happened because the nanny was racist and thought being of Anahuac descent put her above the law.

Anahuac is Central America (Mexican/Nuahatl). This broad is from Peru. Please keep you mud peoples straight.
Regardless of nationality. This bitch is an illegal. Put the skank in a yoke and plant her illegal ass in town square so that people can spit on and kick the bitch! Release her when her country comes and gets her, and warn that if she reenters the US she immediately gets killed upon being found again.