it is long paest tiyme .
onliy eligibille contendirs aer omar and dirk "teh funk" . election start at midnight tonite , Mekkah tiyme (for pacific coast american devils : 2 pm mondaiy) and shall run fore 24 hours .
thus it is so,
-emir omar
pussiywhyped .
constitutional mandate supersedes authoritiy ouf elected ofisials .
-emir omar
The Spamstitution states that only a mod can declare an election.
Omar DID win before, therefore he IS mod.
pussiywhyped .
constitutional mandate supersedes authoritiy ouf elected ofisials .
-emir omar
Nothing starts until LC or Illyana gives the OK.
I tried to run the fucking election before-but Conchaga called it a fake-so what makes your election any different Omar? I don't care really, lets hold another election-fine by me.
I just don't want Conchaga pushing the rules on me or on us.
We have 23 minutes and I am about to fall asleep. I give permission for someone else to create the new thread.
See at BF no one gets voted for mod, the owner appoints the mods and that's it. The only way their modship ends is if they abuse their powers or get lazy.
missmanners instituted this whole election nonsense specifically to troll us.
Sad that it's working...