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I tried this piano application on the iPad. It was almost as easy to play as that roll up piano that Picard's girlfriend had.

Reading specifications and reviews online maybe?

And interpreting those specs as if he was looking at the specs of a Windows device, as he always does. Besides which, the reviews are invariably positive with regard to processor and memory performance. The reviewers' biggest bitch about the iPad is that it lacks a camera and has no multitasking capability. The multitasking complaint is dead as of the next iPhone/iPad OS release, and as for the camera, waaaah. If you need a webcam, pack a laptop or sit at your desk. If you want to take pictures of shit outdoors, buy a dedicated fuckin' camera.

There are far more common complaints than the lack of multitasking and built in camera. For instance, NOT EVEN A SINGLE USB PORT WTF. There is no excuse for that on a device which is partly designed to be a portable video player, even more so if you consider it a laptop replacement. This is probably the most blatant example of Apple purposefully screwing its customers for the sole purpose of forcing them into buying overpriced upgrades and add-ons, and of course maintaining an iron grip over their content. Of course everyone happily bends over and takes it so it doesn't matter.

Moving on...if it were not already obvious, the iPad still cannot render Flash content. It is amusing to see HTML 5 being thrown around by fanboys as an excuse for this deficiency when the iPad is barely capable of rendering the very limited amount of HTML 5 that already exists. This is apparently what constitutes "the best evar web browsing experience" to Steve Jobs. If your web browser behaved like Safari on iPad, you would use another one.

And multitasking. The issue is not dead with iPhone OS 4 because only a few specific tasks are allowed to multitask. You will still not be able to run a full IM or IRC app in the background. Any application which needs to maintain a persistent server connection will still have to be run one at a time.

I'm still not seeing what makes the iPad any more magical than the cheaper and more powerful netbook unless Windows XP/7 is just too difficult for the average iUser to operate correctly.

There are far more common complaints than the lack of multitasking and built in camera. For instance, NOT EVEN A SINGLE USB PORT WTF. There is no excuse for that on a device which is partly designed to be a portable video player, even more so if you consider it a laptop replacement. This is probably the most blatant example of Apple purposefully screwing its customers for the sole purpose of forcing them into buying overpriced upgrades and add-ons, and of course maintaining an iron grip over their content. Of course everyone happily bends over and takes it so it doesn't matter.

What exactly do you need to connect to it via USB that there isn't a Bluetooth version of? I can think of only a very few things, and none of them are suitable for connecting to a mobile device.

Moving on...if it were not already obvious, the iPad still cannot render Flash content. It is amusing to see HTML 5 being thrown around by fanboys as an excuse for this deficiency when the iPad is barely capable of rendering the very limited amount of HTML 5 that already exists. This is apparently what constitutes "the best evar web browsing experience" to Steve Jobs. If your web browser behaved like Safari on iPad, you would use another one.

Having laid my hands on one, I can tell you the most prevalent kind of flash-based content I couldn't view was ads -- and I won't miss 'em.

And multitasking. The issue is not dead with iPhone OS 4 because only a few specific tasks are allowed to multitask. You will still not be able to run a full IM or IRC app in the background. Any application which needs to maintain a persistent server connection will still have to be run one at a time.

Remind me, which IRC app is available for the iPhone or iPad? I forget. Now that you mention it, I forgot about IRC about 5 years ago, and so has most everyone else.

I'm still not seeing what makes the iPad any more magical than the cheaper and more powerful netbook unless Windows XP/7 is just too difficult for the average iUser to operate correctly.

Or maybe it's that the netbook is basically just a very cheap(ly made), feeble and very cramped notebook. If I wanted a notebook, I'd buy a notebook, not a kid's toy version.
What exactly do you need to connect to it via
USB that there isn't a Bluetooth version of? I can think of only a
very few things, and none of them are suitable for connecting to a
mobile device.

A USB flash memory stick maybe, or external hard disk. Perhaps even
the separate digital camera you suggested to iPad users clamoring for
a built in webcam. Why do you insist on defending this point? The lack
of a USB port is clearly a flaw. There is no technical reason
preventing, nor negative side effects resulting from its inclusion.
USB has been the lingua franca for computer communication for well
over a decade. To claim that it is not useful is delusional. It's
absence from the iPad is a transparent power grab from Apple,
partially as a result of DRM requirements, mostly as a way for Apple
to have total control over everything that goes in and out of its
device, and lastly as a way to get consumers to spend more money on
higher capacity iPads and add-on accessories. There is literally no
defense for this. Just admit the flaw and move on. The iPad does not
have to be perfect for you to like it.

Having laid my hands on one, I can tell you the most prevalent kind of
flash-based content I couldn't view was ads -- and I won't miss 'em.

And what flash based content could you view now? You have an app for
YouTube. Besides that you are SOL for embedded video content. And you
still get to see ads, just not flash based ones. I can use Adblock on
my browser to block all advertisements, not just the flash minority.
And I still get to see/use wanted flash content. So how is the
browsing experience on the iPad superior again?

Remind me, which IRC app is available for the iPhone or iPad? I
forget. Now that you mention it, I forgot about IRC about 5 years ago,
and so has most everyone else.

IRC apps are available for the iPhone and iPad, search for it. Using
such apps without multitasking is likely to be infuriating which
probably limits their popularity. Unless you are content to use your
phone as a brick for idling on IRC, you are forced to constantly
disconnect and reconnect over and over again, even for the most basic
tasks. Fucking retarded. iPhone OS 4 does not fix this. And IRC was
just an example, any other IM or chat app will have the same issue.
You cannot even run a stopwatch in the background.

Or maybe it's that the netbook is basically just a very cheap(ly
made), feeble and very cramped notebook. If I wanted a notebook, I'd
buy a notebook, not a kid's toy version.

So what does that make the iPad, a very roomy phone? Considering the screen size and resolution of most netbooks are about the same as the iPad, I do not see how it is less cramped. Their keyboards, while certainly inferior to fullsize laptop/desktop keyboards, are still easier to type on than the iPads soft keyboard. The only thing that really sucks about netbooks is usually the touchpad. And just because something is not shiny does not mean it is made cheaply.

If netbooks are toy versions of laptops, than the iPad is a toy version of netbooks. Yet it still costs more. If you are so willing to spring for a full priced laptop, then maybe you should get a real tablet computer such as the Lenovo X200.

Anyways I realize there are many people who like the iPad despite its deficiencies, and that is fine. If you like the device, having someone point out its limitations to you is not going to change your mind about it. I just do not understand why you and so many others insist on defending and excusing every single negative aspect of the device. Instead of just saying "yea that sucks but oh well" all I ever hear from fanboys is "the device is better without that" or "that feature is useless so the iPad/iPhone does not need to support it". Enough already. Sometimes a flaw is a flaw. The lack of USB and Flash are blatantly obvious ones that in a sane world would prompt Apple fans to demand these features in future releases. I can only imagine the excuses that would be thrown around if the iPad did not support Javascript. "all javascript is used for is pop-up ads anyway, so it is not missed". Madness.
I just do not understand why you and so many others insist on defending and excusing every single negative aspect of the device. Instead of just saying "yea that sucks but oh well"...

Except, to me, these omissions don't suck. I don't need a USB port on the thing; it has Bluetooth. I don't need Flash on the thing -- YouTube is supported via App, and soon Hulu will also be similarly supported. Those are the two web-based video sources I use -- ever. All the multitasking I need it to do is play my music while I run Pages. That's it. So to me, and probably millions of others, what you see as flaws in your hypothetical usage scenario for the device... simply aren't meaningful for me.
You Apple people are simple folk. I bet you think that you do not need multitasking or USB ports on your computer either yea? Surely you will never run into a situation where those features would come in handy. This is basic computer functionality that is being excluded and should be present even if not used often. Like the tilde key on my keyboard; I might not use it every day but I damn well expect it to be there when I want to draw ASCII jizz.

Okay, tell me this; I want a device that I can bring to the bathroom and watch porn on to assist me in finishing my wank. It needs to be able to access and play video files shared from my desktop computer. Copying the files to the device itself is not an acceptable solution (64gb is not much space for porn), it must be able to stream videos over the wireless network from a standard Windows network file share. This is a trivial task on any computer operating system including OS X.

Can the iPad do this for me?
You Apple people are simple folk. I bet you think that you do not need multitasking or USB ports on your computer either yea?

Wow, Strawman into a False Dilemma. Bonus points for the transition.

Surely you will never run into a situation where those features would come in handy.

Sure I do, all the time. At my desk. Using a computer. Lemme try that False Dilemma cocktail you're drinking -- I suppose I should be pissed that my digital camera doesn't have a 102-key keyboard. After all, that's basic computer functionality, too, leading us to:

This is basic computer functionality that is being excluded and should be present even if not used often.

Except that, although its detractors are trying to compare it to one so they have a font of gripes to draw from, the iPad is not a computer. It's an internet and media consumption device. It's an iPod Touch, but much bigger and much better.

Okay, tell me this; I want a device that I can bring to the bathroom and watch porn on to assist me in finishing my wank. It needs to be able to access and play video files shared from my desktop computer. Copying the files to the device itself is not an acceptable solution (64gb is not much space for porn), it must be able to stream videos over the wireless network from a standard Windows network file share. This is a trivial task on any computer operating system including OS X.

Can the iPad do this for me?

Yes. So can the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Wow, Strawman into a False Dilemma. Bonus points for the transition.
Thanks, I try.

Sure I do, all the time. At my desk. Using a computer. Lemme try that False Dilemma cocktail you're drinking -- I suppose I should be pissed that my digital camera doesn't have a 102-key keyboard. After all, that's basic computer functionality, too, leading us to:
Except that, although its detractors are trying to compare it to one so they have a font of gripes to draw from, the iPad is not a computer. It's an internet and media consumption device. It's an iPod Touch, but much bigger and much better.
Splitting hairs. Consuming media, browsing the internet, and running applications/games covers 95% of what computers are used for. By any other definition the iPad is a computer. The only difference is the user interface and input device. Remember that Apple itself does not advertise the iPad as an audio/video player, instead it is "magical" and "crazy powerful" and often shown doing a whole range of random tasks well beyond simple media consumption. Therefore criticisms about the lack of basic computer features on the iPad are fair game.

And, lo and behold, the iPad is actually fully capable of these "computer-like" features. Apple however chooses to go out of their way to restrict the use of them. Multitasking has been available to built-in applications from the beginning and Jailbreakers have been backgrounding any app they choose for years, all with minimal negative effect on battery life and performance. Yet it takes Apple 3 years to release a gimped multitasking implementation that will not even be made available to older iPhone models.

If you want to download pictures from a digital camera to the iPad you can, but only if you purchase Apple's Camera Connection Kit. As usual the feature is available but Apple intentionally makes it difficult and in this case costly ($30 is a lot for a USB adapter) and cumbersome. Naturally the dongle does nothing to address the iPad's inability to read files from USB memory sticks or external hard drives, but as usual it has been shown to be fully capable of the task with some creative hacking.

And so it goes. The iPad, like many other Apple products is like a swiss army knife with all but 3 tools welded closed. Maybe you do not care about the other tools but the point is they are there and the reason you can't use them is retarded (perhaps you could buy a version of the knife with 4 usable tools for an extra $100). I'll toast your cocktail with some cold water; if my digital camera had a fully functional QWERTY keyboard hidden behind a non-removable plastic backplate, I might send a few WTF's to the company who built it.

This is not what I asked for. Again Apple purposefully makes things difficult by forcing you to use their bloated software to achieve trivial tasks. Every computer in my house can easily share files between themselves natively without the requirement to install additional software (this would still be the case if I had a Mac). iTunes is second only to Quicktime in the category of terrible media player software and I would never let it anywhere near my computers.

Admittedly Apple is hardly alone in the practice of purposeful crippling hardware/software for control and lock-in purposes, but they are the only company that gets so consistently excused for it. When MS does it, it is evil, but when Apple does it, it is innovative. I love it.
My iPad is awesome, there's no changing my opinion on that.

Further prolly won't change his opinion neither, and that's too bad, 'cause it's a really fun, functional machine. Now excuse me while I stream an episode of BSG to my iPad over WIFI.
I'd be happy to own one if someone gave it to me for free! It would probably be jailbroken in the first five minutes of use, then maybe I could get it to do something useful.