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Pearls before Swine: A Poetry Thread

At the risk of what happens on TK...I have decided to post a few poems.

Post yours as well...

We make decisions
Warm or Cold we make them
Wise or Foolish
but it is not the decision that is the measure
but your determination to stick to it

See Matthew 5:33-37
Especially verse 37
Do I offend you that I am a pervert
but know scripture?

I digress.

Part of that perversion is an absolute
that once made, a vow remains sacred an inviolate
that my promises are not broken
My honor is sacred
Held by the bond of my Ego
the id of what I am
A law of the Universe
How else can a slave trust me?
How else can I be worthy of Command?

A Lady is allowed to change her mind
But a I am not.
I am stingy with my promises
With good reason

I love perfectionists
cracking their shells
extracting the meat inside of it
and re-molding them

placing them back in a pleasing shape
happier and healthier for their encounter
the bruises a badge of pride
the tears,

Remember, they asked for this
but what of one that asked
but did not know what was wanted
what would happen
even though they were told?
In detail
Perhaps I was not believed.

I find that insulting.

I ask of them what I ask of myself
and I am a cruel Master
It's how I operate

It's what they all claim they want

Sometimes I see it
turn them away because they don't know
they don't understand
That I will make them grow
they seek to repeat an old abuse
while I demand that they rise above it

One can love
both the person now
and the soul to come
but the disappointment is bitter
when the soul doesn't want to come along.

I am discouraged
but I took a vow
a promise
My "Yes" is still "Yes"
pain does not change it.

The Witch, The Mirror Maze, and Mister Dark
Charles Halloway dispatched them with a lark
and by the thumbing of his prick
Something Wicked made him Sick.

The carnival that feeds off people
like every church and every steeple
its sucks the marrow from your bones
synaptic gap transmits through stones.

And by the thumbing of his prick
Something Wicked makes him sick.

A quick ride on the carousel
the horses frozen bits of Hell
he passes out, can't ring the bell
the torch is thrown (oh, very well)

It doesnt matter if your 52
if your mind is still fourteen
and so between them both
We'll lick the platter clean.
Midnight Rage

Thunder rolls in the distance
Fueled by the night's anger and rage
I recognize the danger from afar
Safe in my own contemplation

Could I reach out my hand?
Caress the storm with a gentle touch?
Speak a word of calming insight?
Sacrifice myself to the angry gods?

Explosive power sparks over the mountains
I'm terrified as bolts ripple across the sky
Rain falls, washing away my sins
Letting me know
I am safe

The sound crashes around me
And the rain beats down upon me
"Go inside. "
"Be safe and warm"

But what of the anger in the night?
Who will bear witness to the thunder of the storm
The night begs to be seen and heard
The sky demands respect at last

Falling to my knees
Drenched to the bone
I bow in service
To the destruction of the dark
The Arena

Monsters and nightmares design a room
Where fools and idiots spend
Their cumulative insanity
Spilling red on black floors
Screaming obscenities to a tune
No one hears
Yet everyone knows

Risky decisions echo regrets
And the murmuring of spectators
Both deaf and blind
Accuse, pointing fingers
Demanding, they shout
"Expect no mercy,
We are here to judge"

Clarity is lost in a sea of noise
The certainty that spoke softly
Just moments ago
Is perverted by the audience
Laughing bitterly at the futile hope
Of losers intoxicated
By something called the truth