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Philly steak stand possible lawsuit for "Order in English" sign

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ironclad
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I believe the sign says "This is America, Order in English".

The owner of the place is a 2nd generation decedent of Italian emigrants, who both struggled to learn English.

Now he may have to go through a lawsuit for insisting that his customers order their food in English, and having a sign to that effect.

Link HERE:

I'm tired of having to learn Spanish to order at Taco Bell...or 7-11 for that matter. I try to take a date to a classy place like Western Sizzilin and I can't make the dude understand what "Steak, Blood Rare, grilled onions, no Mushrooms" is, much less having to ask "Augua, Por-favor".

Hey, mom speaks French, Dad speaks Jap, and they both speak English. They could do it, why can't the current groups coming to America? There is a lack of incentive to "integrate" with the latest generations.

For examples, a devout Muslim insists his wife wear a veil. The purpose behind the veil is to prevent men from lusting after women. Well...she's covered, but what about the other 99.9% of women out there, including some of those hot Latina chicks in micro-mini skirts and a tank top, that HE'S looking at and lusting after. It's normal in our country to not wear a veil unless you are Michal Jackson, but he's in the Middle East now where he can buy little Filipino boys to play with.

There's nothing wrong with feeling some pride in your heritage. I'm all for St. Patrick's day, or Columbus day, or even a Cynco De Mayo party. But at least acknowledge that you are in America by trying to be an American at least most of the time.

That's it...I'm off to get some curry and a shot of tequila.
I hate automated systems that say, "For English, press 1." FUCK YOU! This is America, I (A) shouldn't have a choice of languages and (B) shouldn't be the one pressing anything to get to the chosen language of the United States of America when I'm calling and American company located in the United States.

So that's right, "This is America, order in English."
I'd like #2 to say in Spanish, "It would greatly facilitate your work here in this country if you would learn English."
Being born and bred in Philly (I live in the suburbs now) I read about this story a couple of weeks ago. My words to the owner of Geno's?

GOOD FUCKING JOB!!! If you can't fucking order your sammich in English, then you shouldn't be able to get one. Like LG said, "Press 1 for English" is BULLSHIT! There should be no options, since English is the language of the United States. Making it the "official" language is irrelevant.

See, this is where fucking multiculturalism gets you. It gets you a private business owner being harrassed because he doesn't want his neighborhood, in the United States of America, to be exclusively Spanish-speaking.

GOOD JOB, you're a fucking minor hero!
Ironclad said:
Hey, mom speaks French, Dad speaks Jap, and they both speak English. They could do it, why can't the current groups coming to America?

Of course you know that it isn't because they can't, it's because they don't want to. They're not interested in being Americans, only in expanding Mexico.
I heard from "somewhere" that the reason mexicans demand on speaking spanish is that they believe in keeping their cultural heritage.

It actually makes sense when you take into account their much better connection to their roots than Americans have.
Of course, that still leaves the glaring double-standard inherent in the insistence that Americans have to respect their heritage, but it's evil to expect them to respect ours.
speck said:
I heard from "somewhere" that the reason mexicans demand on speaking spanish is that they believe in keeping their cultural heritage.

It actually makes sense when you take into account their much better connection to their roots than Americans have.

If they want to "stay in touch with their cultural heritage", they can go back to Mexico and experience it first hand. You leave your country to live in another one, you adopt to the customs and language of that country.
speck said:
I heard from "somewhere" that the reason mexicans demand on speaking spanish is that they believe in keeping their cultural heritage.
I think it's because they believe the entire continent to belong to their 'cultural heritage.'

It actually makes sense when you take into account their much better connection to their roots than Americans have.
Americans are Americans, and the language spoken is English. Allowing them to overrun the United States with a language alien to the nation isn't keeping in connection with one's roots.
speck said:
I heard from "somewhere" that the reason mexicans demand on speaking spanish is that they believe in keeping their cultural heritage.

It actually makes sense when you take into account their much better connection to their roots than Americans have.

Uh, no, it's 'cause they're lazy and dumb. They can't be bothered to learn English because it's too hard, and they don't have to. That last part should be a bit scary if you're citizen of the United States. With the rate at which these beaners reproduce, it's not a stretch to believe that in 20 years there will be states where the majority language spoken is Spanish. That's fucked up.
What makes me sick is Bush's insistence at licking Fox's ass clean every time they visit each other!

This is a prime example of why Bush is a solid tard of near unparalleled platitudes!

The mexican illegals are nothing short of an invasion and should be treated as such! Full militarization of the border and every Illegal present in the US should be shot after it is ascertained they are not citizens! All beaners/illegals busting the border should be shot without regard and the Mexican military should be shelled if they are seen providing assistance and blaming it on smugglers! Any american caught aiding the further infiltration of the US will be arrested for treason and either deported to mexico or shot!

The mexicans want to keep their heritage? FINE do that shit in mexico!

Want a better life? Change YOUR fucking gubermint! Dont fucking blast across my borders and call me a racist for not wanting your fucktarded asses here destroying my econonmy all the while saying you love your country(mexico) that wouldnt even allow me better than 2nd class citizen if I moved there!

I already have a game plan if the shit hits the fan! Its always best to hit in the heart of the confusion!

We need to use our 2nd ammendment rights to form state militias and defend our borders under arms!
This is apparently the same Philadelphia restaurant where Ass-Clown Supreme John Kerry ordered a Philly Cheese Steak with "Swiss Cheese"!


King Ass!