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Please vote: Does Messenger rock?


beer, I want beer
Messenger rocks!

Now Messenger...I love you and want to have your babies so notice me! notice me! notice me!

[/sarcastic parody of SF garbage]
Next week... will Messenger notice Tamar Garish? Will Blade notice his fingernails? Will California seperate from the continental U.S. and infuriate millions of evangelical homosexuals, thinly-disguised Neo-Marxists and haughty anti-theists by curtailing their opportunities to further fuck up the rest of the country?

Please figure out how to create polls. It's not like you're a n00b. Geesh, spend 2 minutes on it.
Remind me again why so many people threw a fuss when your karma was red?

And it was a joke, sugar. It's not like I thought Blade was actually upset that he wasn't in a poll. The intention of my thread was a joke... and I don't really know what that makes yours.

Funny, people spam this forum all day long and *this* is what you complain about. Can you point me to your threads again?
Hey now Tamar, I didnt forget the poll. The fucking board didnt want to MAKE my poll work, the bastard.

But really, fuck Messenger.
Tamar_Garish said:
Messenger rocks!

Now Messenger...I love you and want to have your babies so notice me! notice me! notice me!

[/sarcastic parody of SF garbage]

Well, it appears he'll have to notice you from daycare. Might want to repost this there.

Eh, it wasn't meant for him anyway...I figured he was someone who wouldn't bitch about me using his name. I was just ragging on SaDiablo for her Blade thread.
No, I had to emphasize it. Because when I did it the first time you didn't notice. See, when I yawn, that means that the thread sucks.