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Poll: How long before...


...Number_6 gets his own email address?

He says the next laptop he purchases will be a Mac, he's totally immersed himself in his iTunes, and an iPod is in his future.

In other words...Machead! :D

My first convert. Now I get the keys to the comapny bathroom. Woot! :D
He will never succumb to the madness which the Apple Jihad has operated under for years. Never will he shake his mouse above his head with maniacal zeal, his voice ululating with the cry, "PC infidels, Mac is superior."
I agree. Number_6 is a professional, and as a professional has work that has to get done. iTunes lead to iPods. iPods lead to iMacs. iMacs lead to the nonproductive, it-wants-to-do-it-all-for-you-thus-you-can't-do-fuckall-for-yourself Plastic Toaster Side. Number_6 surely knows that that can only lead to being heaved into bottomless chasms or becoming horribly disfigured by lava. And nobody wants that.
Like Anakin, 6 has started down the seductive path of "The Dark Side". He will not turn back. I will make sure of it. He is ours now.

Mwahahahahahahaha! :bigass:
Number_6 said:
I've just about had my fill of Microsoft products, and I can't find a brand of PC notebook that people don't complain about.

Well, at least, none that I've heard. But they are a small company, so I don't know many other people that have bought laptops from them. There are some complaints that can be made about their service habits (they have a tendency to ship slow, their customer service guys are often slow to reply) but I haven't heard any (or had any) about their hardware, everybody compliments me on how pretty my laptop looks, and they have great prices.
Okay, TJ, we've been buds until now.

However, you're gonna hafta keep your mouth shut. Or find yourself at the bottom of the East River wearing see-ment shoes.

Catch my drift, there? ;) :D
Friday said:
Okay, TJ, we've been buds until now.

However, you're gonna hafta keep your mouth shut. Or find yourself at the bottom of the East River wearing see-ment shoes.

Catch my drift, there? ;) :D
Glub glub. Glub? Glub! Glubglubglubglub...
LOL...Know your place, PC infidel!

TJHairball said:
There are some complaints that can be made about their service habits (they have a tendency to ship slow, their customer service guys are often slow to reply) but I haven't heard any (or had any) about their hardware, everybody compliments me on how pretty my laptop looks, and they have great prices.
When I had to send my iBook in to be repaired, there was a 2 day turnaround from the time I mailed it in, to the time it was mailed back to me. AppleCare even sent the box for the laptop to be mailed in. All I had to do was pack it. They picked it up, and dropped it off.

In those 2 days, they replaced the logic board and hard drive. Because of my 3 year warranty, it didn't cost me a penny.

Basically, a new, free computer in 2 days.

Beat that. :P
Just because I pay to have someone clean my house doesn't mean I'm unable to clean it. It just means I'd rather not be bothered with a chore I can pay someone else to do. ;)
As for me, it's not so much the OS that I worry about, though I grow tired of having to tinker with Windows so much; it's the hardware.

I told you about the Dell with the fried motherboard 1 week out of the one-year warranty. $750 for a replacement motherboard from Dell, and I'd just paid $1,700 for the thing a year prior. That's just bullshit. Particularly when I read that quality control on the Inspiron 8600 was shit.

And it sounds like Vista is going to be sending all sorts of information about me and my DVDs and CDs to places I don't feel need to know. So at the very least I want to switch over to Linux, at least as an alternative.

The big draw for me when I initially made the PC versus Mac decision back in 1990 was gaming. Now, not so much. I have a PS2 I can play games on--yes, I know it's not the same, but I don't really care--and at some point I'll probably pick up an X-Box 360.

The rest of the time it's internet use, word processing, PowerPoint stuff, and DVD/Film work. And I'm a procrastinator something fierce. So while I can figure out what's wrong with Windows and other Microsoft software, I may have waited until the last minute to get started on a project, and I don't have time to fuck around with the computer before I get to work. If I need a PowerPoint presentation for a class I'm teaching in 45 minutes, then I need it in 45 minutes.

Frankly, besides the difficulties I'm having getting the wireless to work with it, I'm pretty happy with Ubuntu. Somebody on one of the forums put together a downloadable and executable set of the common programs and extras people look for, and I took advantage of that. For the first time, I was able to screencap from within my DVD player without lag time, which means I was able to get accurate caps and not have to keep rewinding to get a cap of what I missed while WinDVD or PowerDVD was fluttering after taking the cap.

I'm told I will have a similarly pleasant experience with a Mac, and I'm just about convinced. And I can still run Ubuntu or some other Linux build on its own partition.

Because by the end of the year, this laptop is going to need replacing. It's starting to show signs of aging, and at some point the problem that I had with overheating the motherboard is going to happen with this one.
TQ...when I was using PCs in my classroom to run computer programs geared for first graders, my students had to help me feel my way around.

Special Ed students.

So, when it comes to computers of any type, I'm at a disadvantage.

No, I can't fix my OS without help. That's what friends and a 3 year warranty are for. ;)

6, take a second look at your ST:TMP DE DVD. It was done on Macs. All of it. The documentaries, special features, the CGI, all the edits. On Macs.

And if you do nothing else, purchase the 3 year AppleCare warranty. It's a little extra money up front, but will pay off in the long run. Without my 3 year warranty, I'd be about $800.00 poorer right now.
I may consider trying Linux again myself, though not SuSE. I don't know what the problem was, but every single installation method I tried -- sequential CDs, DVD or FTP -- resulted in a horribly stuffed boot loader that wouldn't perform its function correctly more than once. And that was on top of the lack of hardware support for my wireless router and sound card. One of those things I might learn to live with (none too happily, mind) but not both.

And so far, my only complaint with Dell, which they quickly and politely resolved, has been with the television I bought from them. After running beautifully for 7 months, it simply stopped working altogether. After one call to Customer Care, though, I had a brand new unit within 3 days.
The Question said:
After one call to Customer Care, though, I had a brand new unit within 3 days.

Your girlfriend must be one very happy customer... :bigass:

I know, bad joke, but it was just layin' there, waitin' for someone to pick it up.

I felt sorry for it...
The Question said:
I may consider trying Linux again myself, though not SuSE. I don't know what the problem was, but every single installation method I tried -- sequential CDs, DVD or FTP -- resulted in a horribly stuffed boot loader that wouldn't perform its function correctly more than once. And that was on top of the lack of hardware support for my wireless router and sound card. One of those things I might learn to live with (none too happily, mind) but not both.

And so far, my only complaint with Dell, which they quickly and politely resolved, has been with the television I bought from them. After running beautifully for 7 months, it simply stopped working altogether. After one call to Customer Care, though, I had a brand new unit within 3 days.

So far, the only Ubuntu problem I've had is with the wireless. I'd fuck around with it this weekend, but we have company coming. Wireless is apparently a problem across the board for Linux, but there's some generic driver that's supposed to fix the problem. I just have to figure out how to install it without getting error messages.

The problem with the Linux boards is that they use a lot of shorthand that only people familiar with Linux are going to understand.

There's a book coming out for Ubuntu next month. I may break down and buy it and read the whole damned thing. Knowledge is never a bad thing.

But, yeah, I'd partition the hard drive and install Ubuntu, TQ. Then, if you want an easy way to get everything else that you usually have to install one-by-one, look in this thread:

This guy's done a lot of work towards getting things up and running right away. I was impressed with how well everything worked after installing this Automatix package. A good way to get started quickly, and then learn more without having a computer that's only half functional.
Well, so far trying to install Ubuntu hasn't yielded a half functional system -- it's produced a completely non-functional one. But at this point, I'm just thankful for the backups on my external.