Troll Kingdom

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Quote Tamar:


New member
When you try to reason with a troll, she wins. When you insult a troll, she wins. When you scream at a troll, she wins. Just face it...she's always gonna win!

when you fuck with a troll and create a criminal record on her..........she wins.

$300,000 compensatory
$300,000 punitive

A 12-person jury impaneled right away to hear this case.
FederalAgent007 said:
When you try to reason with a troll, she wins. When you insult a troll, she wins. When you scream at a troll, she wins. Just face it...she's always gonna win!

when you fuck with a troll and create a criminal record on her..........she wins.

No she doesn't. She just goes on wild, paranoid delusional rants ad nauseam, blowing any chance of either a criminal or civil case hopelessly out of the water by willfully associating with prospective defendants.

$300,000 compensatory
$300,000 punitive

Amounts that can be decided only by a judge, and only after he or she finds in your favor.

A 12-person jury impaneled right away to hear this case.

Absolute, utter, complete and total bullshit. You haven't even served the complaint yet, which means Tamar can't have responded to it yet; and once both those things happen, her attorney would certainly file a motion to dismiss, which would take months for a judge to render a decision on, and only after all motions to dismiss (and there can be more than one such motion) would anyone even think about selecting a jury.

You. Are. Batshit.
The Question said:
No she doesn't. She just goes on wild, paranoid delusional rants ad nauseam, blowing any chance of either a criminal or civil case hopelessly out of the water by willfully associating with prospective defendants.

Amounts that can be decided only by a judge, and only after he or she finds in your favor.

Absolute, utter, complete and total bullshit. You haven't even served the complaint yet, which means Tamar can't have responded to it yet; and once both those things happen, her attorney would certainly file a motion to dismiss, which would take months for a judge to render a decision on, and only after all motions to dismiss (and there can be more than one such motion) would anyone even think about selecting a jury.

You. Are. Batshit.

12 person jury impaneled to hear the case. It ALL becomes Public record.

Before you get all scared and everything................let's get it before a jury. They will make a decision at that point.

Willfully associating with prospective criminal defendants. Who ya talking about The Question???? Tamar_Garish???

Nobody has anything to worry about if they haven't done anything wrong.
Tamar_Garish said:
Listen to TQ...he is much better at the legal troll than you are. :lol:

Think so Tamar??? My bet is on my attorney, that is why I am up to $8-9K in legal/investigative expenses that I plan on recovering in addition to the intentional emotional distress, false arrest, false charge CREATED, violation of privacy, posting personal information (including vital stats) on the internet.

All I KNOW is there are government employees involved in this. Some of the malicious conduct and illegal activities have been committed on government compooters.

On government time.

Taxpayer dollars at work.
FederalAgent007 said:
12 person jury impaneled to hear the case. It ALL becomes Public record.

Before you get all scared and everything................let's get it before a jury. They will make a decision at that point.

Willfully associating with prospective criminal defendants. Who ya talking about The Question???? Tamar_Garish???

Nobody has anything to worry about if they haven't done anything wrong.

Damn. TAMAR must be wearing diapers these days she is shitting her pants so much. You FBI007 have frightened her with your legal crap although not as much as I have with my most recent troll. As it stands she is part of another troll I am performing at the moment. I am certain it will not work but I started it out of sheer boredom.
Your little game has not much chance I daresay although mine forced her to do things she should never do *ROTFLMAO*. You have frightened TAMAR to such an extent that she is taking care about what she says. I have read her posts. The bitch is shitting her pants although my own troll of her did far more damage to her than yours did. I made her post illegal information. You did not. That makes me a GOD and you a SAINTLUCIFER-wannabe.
SaintLucifer said:

Your little game has not much chance I daresay although mine forced her to do things she should never do *ROTFLMAO*. You have frightened TAMAR to such an extent that she is taking care about what she says. I have read her posts. The bitch is shitting her pants although my own troll of her did far more damage to her than yours did. I made her post illegal information. You did not. That makes me a GOD and you a SAINTLUCIFER-wannabe.

Please..............a SaintLucifer wannabe??? surely you must jest.

You made her post illegal information??? Would that be my false criminal record and tax return?

She sure is obedient.
I've got a big bad of crabs here
I'm gonna put them in my mouth, oh yes
I'm gonna run around the town on a market day
Everyone'll look at me and say I've got a mouth full of crabs
Hommineh humm-dah hem-dah heemenuh
Hoom deddeh hum diddy hum de heemenuh
Hoom-deh shimmineh kay bedduh
Hommineh humm-dah hem-dah heemenuh
Hoom deddeh hum diddy hum de heemenuh
Hoom-deh shimmineh hoob de heebeduh
Um boo duh shim de kay buh
That's how I'll sound with a mouth full of crabs
Give Darth his fair share. You see, the one mistake I made on this board was thinking BlackFeathers was DarthSikles dual. He wouldn't have left money on the table.

Then I ripped his ass a new one when I thought he got part of the "bootie".
Tamar_Garish said:
Listen to TQ...he is much better at the legal troll than you are. :lol:

You see............Darth doesn't know that I know that he has better connections than you guys. That is pretty obvious to me now.
He has a hell of a lot more decency than any of you. He is a better troll too. Or should I say trolls?

This is my one biggest mistake..........but maybe not.
FederalAgent007 said:
He has a hell of a lot more decency than any of you. He is a better troll too. Or should I say trolls?

This is my one biggest mistake..........but maybe not.

Therein lies the rub you rotting cunt. You commit errors. I do not. Further proof I am your SUPERIOR. Now get down upon your knees and get to sucking. I already made TAMAR suck my cock. It is your turn now bitch.
*Jillian shivers* So ..............I get to take Tamar's place???? her place sucking that big, hard, throbbing, manly cock of yours????

Jillian shivers, feels strong urges
FederalAgent007 said:
*Jillian shivers* So ..............I get to take Tamar's place???? her place sucking that big, hard, throbbing, manly cock of yours????

Jillian shivers, feels strong urges

Well first you must pass the test. Do you suck my cock as well as TAMAR has done these past few days? Are you quick to panic like her? Do you immediately seek out allies as a means of defense like she did? Are you quite capable of betraying the very rules of a site where you were an Admin and use information obtained from that site in the hopes of strengthening your position in a lost battle of wits? If you answered to the affirmative on all counts, then by all means seek to usurp TAMAR as my personal cocksucker.

THUG_LUV will be sucking my cock soon enough as he has admitted to being a complete and total faggot.