Since the claim has been made that the republicans are the party of logic, and we democrats can't win when logic is brought in, lets test that on a few issues.
1) Gay Rights
2) Abortion
3) Gun Control
4) The Economy
5) Global Warming
Gay Rights
Republicans will argue the destruction of the family, they will claim homosexual couples have bad values, they will say marriage is between and man and a woman in total disregard of seperation of church and state. They will have no facts or statistics to back any of this up.
Republicans will call it murder. They will say life begins at conception. They will again, have no facts or statistics to back any of their claims up.
Gun Control
Republicans will say "guns don't kill people, people kill people", and "swords are just as dangerous as guns" and "gun control doesn't work" and "we need our guns to defend against our government". Here they will attempt to produce 'facts' and 'statistics', but careful scrutiny of the sources will show them to be unscientific and bias. True scientific studies have shown again and again that gun control reduces violence in country and country after country.
The Economy
Republicans will claim great success here, despite the fact that everytime they get into power they bankrupt the country and the divide between rich and poor grows by leaps and bounds. They will have no facts or statistics to back up their claims. It's complete voodoo and designed to line pockets and win votes of the ignorant.
Global Warming
Republicans will deny it exists, or that it matters. They will ignore increasingly mounting evidence. They will claim 'fear tactics' and 'alarmism'. They have no facts of their own to counter the overwhelming scientific evidence. They simply say "it's a natural thing and it's all just fine don't worry about it".
Yeah, the party of logic. Sure. And I have a 12" penis.
1) Gay Rights
2) Abortion
3) Gun Control
4) The Economy
5) Global Warming
Gay Rights
Republicans will argue the destruction of the family, they will claim homosexual couples have bad values, they will say marriage is between and man and a woman in total disregard of seperation of church and state. They will have no facts or statistics to back any of this up.
Republicans will call it murder. They will say life begins at conception. They will again, have no facts or statistics to back any of their claims up.
Gun Control
Republicans will say "guns don't kill people, people kill people", and "swords are just as dangerous as guns" and "gun control doesn't work" and "we need our guns to defend against our government". Here they will attempt to produce 'facts' and 'statistics', but careful scrutiny of the sources will show them to be unscientific and bias. True scientific studies have shown again and again that gun control reduces violence in country and country after country.
The Economy
Republicans will claim great success here, despite the fact that everytime they get into power they bankrupt the country and the divide between rich and poor grows by leaps and bounds. They will have no facts or statistics to back up their claims. It's complete voodoo and designed to line pockets and win votes of the ignorant.
Global Warming
Republicans will deny it exists, or that it matters. They will ignore increasingly mounting evidence. They will claim 'fear tactics' and 'alarmism'. They have no facts of their own to counter the overwhelming scientific evidence. They simply say "it's a natural thing and it's all just fine don't worry about it".
Yeah, the party of logic. Sure. And I have a 12" penis.