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Revisionism Poll


New member
TK has discussed the Holocaust more than once.

For those who have been around for the looong discussion threads... after looking at the arguments presented.... whaddya think?

(Choices are visible to prevent poll skewing)
You can only add a poll to a thread within 1 minutes of posting the thread.

:roll: !

Poll Question:
Regarding the Holocaust:

Poll Options:

I believe that it happened, or has been SLIGHTLY exaggerated, at most.

I believe that it has been largely exaggerated, or did not occur.

Closes after 0 days, make votes public.


(Why have such an idiotic time limit anyway?)
Peter Octavian said:
How about a poll option, "Haven't been convinced by either position."
I thought about that, but it seems to me that people who haven't been convinced that it occurred would be put into the 'largely exaggerated' camp.
Messenger said:
I thought about that, but it seems to me that people who haven't been convinced that it occurred would be put into the 'largely exaggerated' camp.

And exactly what kind of showers do they have in that camp?

Ok, let me state this: I encourage everyone who isn't sure one way or another to look into the arguments pro and con, and vote on whatever 1/2% of logic tells them.

People are allowed to change their minds, after all. Simply because I voted that it was exaggerated doesn't mean I'm a hard-line revisionist anymore than Shatna and Lilith voting that it occurred would mean that they're Jewish.
I watched the first ten minutes of it back when Sargaras had it in his sig. The most incriminating part of those ten minutes was that the pool was not included in the tour, but I wouldn't mind hearing the other side. I used to skip over the revision threads so I missed the scintillating arguments, but I will keep an eye on this one.
Messenger said:
What do you base it on?

Reading, studying, extrapolating from the facts as best I can understand them. I'm nowhere near an expert, but years of doing so has made me more than comfortable with my opinion on the matter.
Gonad said:
I watched the first ten minutes of it back when Sargaras had it in his sig. The most incriminating part of those ten minutes was that the pool was not included in the tour, but I wouldn't mind hearing the other side. I used to skip over the revision threads so I missed the scintillating arguments, but I will keep an eye on this one.

Actually, the kid interviews the tour guide, and even the senior curator and the head of archives.
I believe we're looking at a gross exagerration when it comes to the Holocaust. The reasons are so many and so varied from everything pertaining to post-war Zionist incentives to warp the truth to facts that refuse to show a Holocaust to the tune of six million people logistically feasible or likley. The sheer fuel consumption it would take to burn six million bodies is vast. Seeing as there was a substantial fuel shortage during the war for all involved the Nazi's simply wouldn't have even had access to that amount of fuel to do it, especially in the time frame. There were no doubt some systematic killings of the Jews taking place during WWII. During WWII there were systematic killings of a lot of things.

But six million people? Nah, no way. It doesn't add up, whatsoever. Not only that but there has been an active Jewish campaign to make Nazi atrocities synonymous with Jewish suffering. The gypsies got it worse than the Jews did but we never hear about their suffering.

From my own personal research on this topic I have seen no real evidence to show that The Final Solution ever left the drawing board.

We can throw all sorts of things into the mix like typhus epidemics, the difficulty in handling Zyklon B, the fact that there wasn't even six million Jews living in the vicinity of the camps. The fact that you can't burn bodies in pits due to lack of oxygen anyway and that crematorium ovens at maximum efficency would of only been able to kill maybe 500,000 people in the time that this extermination was taking place, yet a crematorium oven can, at a stretch, only run 50% of the time halving that number again.

Six million deaths is totally false. I'd be surprised if it went over a million and they were not gassed. End of.