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Ricky Martin is a homosexual

Not really. Mostly, it didn't matter to me one way or the other. He is cute - or at least he was.

I think there are more men who are happy that he came out than there are women who care.
I know I haven't heard anything about him or by him in quite awhile. I'm thinking he may have come out to generate some interest and revive his career.
No, he wrote a "memoir" that is coming out soon, so he had to come out in advance of all the man-lovin' stories that are in it.
I bet he does. Otherwise, one of his previous lovers would outed him sooner - "Not only is he gay, he is a lousy lay." snap, snap
Actually, that is mean. I apologize, Ricky Martin. I've got no reason to be mean to you.

Good luck to him in his revealed life.
And, Anna Paquin is bisexual. How sad this is. It just goes to show that being a beautiful person does not guarantee physical attraction. I mean, she could have the hots for him but he wouldn't have the hots for her.
Ricky Martin is homosexual.

What am I supposed to do now?

I am so sorry for your loss eloisel. :)

i of course had no idea he was idea whatsoever.

Although my ass & cock told me he was extremely HOMOgayQUEER quite often. I should listen to them more often.

i guess when u watch the "She Bangs" video it will now have a different meaning?