Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
Damn!! I truly frightened some people in here for them to be looking up legal advice sites. *ROTFLMAO* This is PROOF I pulled the ultimate troll!! Who will deny it now?? Anyone?? Allow me to give YOU a bit of advice, never mind the site. There is SHIT you can do about anyone in here unless they do actually break the law. *winks at TAMAR, then blows her a kiss* *whips out my cock and jerks off in TAMAR's direction, then cums all over her face* Now watch her lap it all up with her tongue. I made her my bitch on this site. She will never forget it either. *greases the wheels of the wheelchair*
No matter how much you sweet talk me, you're never going to get anywhere....just like no matter how many times you repeat that you "pwned" this or that is your "bitch" will it make it true.
Tamar_Garish said:
No matter how much you sweet talk me, you're never going to get anywhere....just like no matter how many times you repeat that you "pwned" this or that is your "bitch" will it make it true.

Who was 'forced' to post all manner of information all over the internet, then panicked when I said what you were doing was 'illegal' you daft cripple? You flipped out completely. So desperate were you that you contacted WORDFORGE and retrieved some information. Now that is rather desperate. *ROTFLMAO*. Fell for it hook, line and sinker bitch. That post up there? It relates to YOU. If you were not so 'PWNED', why did you feel it necessary to post specific information? To what end? Everyone already knows this information, even you in a scene of desperation claimed that was true. If you knew this, why post it?? I shall tell you why. You were in a state of panic and you knew it. You must have been rolling all about your home in that wheelchair, fretting about 'oh no but he is going to get me into trouble'. The part I liked was when you claimed I GAVE you that information. Now that was complete and utter desperation. Too funny. I was in tears from laughing so hard. Seems you contacted WORDFORGE and warned them about me that very same night. I will not tell you the specific but just let me say I was contacted by them. *ROTFLMAO*. Still going to deny things bitch?? Why do you think I targeted you? Naturally the first reason was because I knew you were much too stupid to see what was right in front of your face. RWC refused to be suckered into my ploy. You fell into it recklessly. Keep denying bitch. I could care less what you believe or don't believe. I only care about what I KNOW. *points at the cripple and laughs*
Tamar_Garish said:
Wow. Almost nothing in that post is correct.

What a surprise!

Yet you came here. To DAYCARE. Why? Did the title frighten you just as I suspected it would? It drew you here did it not? Frightened were you? *ROTFLMAO*. I OWN you bitch. 'Spin' those wheels as fast as you can honey. A cliff's a comin' up!! The wheelchair needs to make it off the cliff.
Tamar_Garish said:
Why? Because like anyone who visits a zoo, it is a lot more fun to poke at the monkeys than just look at them.

Nope. You saw the title and shat your pants. Raced into here and felt relief when you discovered there was nothing to worry about. *ROTFLMAO*. I made you break your word with WORDFORGE and you know it. That means I have PWNED both YOU and WORDFORGE.
SaintLucifer said:
Damn!! I truly frightened some people in here for them to be looking up legal advice sites. *ROTFLMAO* This is PROOF I pulled the ultimate troll!! Who will deny it now?? Anyone?? Allow me to give YOU a bit of advice, never mind the site. There is SHIT you can do about anyone in here unless they do actually break the law. *winks at TAMAR, then blows her a kiss* *whips out my cock and jerks off in TAMAR's direction, then cums all over her face* Now watch her lap it all up with her tongue. I made her my bitch on this site. She will never forget it either. *greases the wheels of the wheelchair*

WoW.......I actually read that post.
SaintLucifer said:
Damn!! There is SHIT you can do about anyone in here unless they do actually break the law. *winks at TAMAR, then blows her a kiss*

Quit trying to imitate me.

SaintLucifer said:
*whips out my cock and jerks off in TAMAR's direction, then cums all over her face* Now watch her lap it all up with her tongue. I made her my bitch on this site.

*Jillians eyes bulge out*
SaintLucifer said:
*winks at TAMAR, then blows her a kiss* *whips out my cock and jerks off in TAMAR's direction, then cums all over her face* Now watch her lap it all up with her tongue. I made her my bitch on this site. She will never forget it either. *greases the wheels of the wheelchair*

Jillian drops her ice-cream cone, stands there with mouth open looking at SaintLucifer..........*greases the wheels of the wheelchair*?
FederalAgent007 said:
Jillian drops her ice-cream cone, stands there with mouth open looking at SaintLucifer..........*greases the wheels of the wheelchair*?

You don't know? The bitch is a cripple. She claims she is not but I beg to differ. She is a mental cripple.
SaintLucifer said:
Damn!! I truly frightened some people in here for them to be looking up legal advice sites. *ROTFLMAO* I made her my bitch on this site. She will never forget it either. *greases the wheels of the wheelchair*

A person who represents himself in court has a fool for a client.
SaintLucifer said:
*winks at TAMAR, then blows her a kiss* *whips out my cock and jerks off in TAMAR's direction, then cums all over her face* Now watch her lap it all up with her tongue. I made her my bitch on this site. She will never forget it either. *greases the wheels of the wheelchair*

This is the only worthwhile post I have seen you make on this board.

You need to ask yourself it so bad to lap up all the cum you blow all over my face??? lap it up with my tongue!!! Is it so bad to be yo' bitch??? get out the grease baby.............I'll take you bareback.

FederalAgent007 said:
I already cut the brake lines............*starts pouring Crisco all over the wheels*

Push her over the cliff, put her out of her misery.

She will put herself out of her own misery. Trust me on this. I have yet to see a greater suck than her. You come close but not quite there.