Troll Kingdom

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^^You guys are my life. If you only knew how much fun I have when I post these insane post you would shit your diapers.

You forced yourselves on me a long time ago. I am broke now so my only true entertainment is finding out as much about all of you as possible.

I keep all the insane stuff on a disc so the FBI and Sanjay can't read it.

Acrimonious said:
Don't you have a life?

You should axe the drunken wanna-be Barney Fife.......Dawn Brown.........that question.

Hey........A.C.--give me your opinion on something. The first week I was here in Austin..........Drunken Barney Fife Wanna-be, referred to as DBFW from here on...........gave up this guy in a Hoe Down bar after she got back from her 10 minute stint in the bathroom snorting coke and making a few "covert" phone calls. We decide we will take this "complete stranger" to another bar, we leave, DBFW axes........"Where did you park?".......he says...."Over there" and points in the opposite direction. DBFW says......."OK, we will meet you there" but me being the risk-taker I am says......."I will will ride with you strange man". Well DBFW decides she wants to ride with the stranger too and I am like ..........FUCK.......I prefer "working" on my own, especially when it comes to someone I think could present a challenge to me. I don't need some old slag trying to run some kind of SAD game thus ruining mine.
So we git in the truck and I notice right away that all the guages are not working properly.

Wonder why?
I'm not into running games on people (IRL), but when I see they are trying to run one on me..............I can end up being your WORST nightmare.

Axe Dawn. I would have kept running the game back on her but she got so damn LAME I couldn't take the stupidity any longer.
There were a few comical moments with when she flipped her ring off in the truck with guages that didn't work--I think it was a little extra insurance in case you didn't have sex with her that night she MIGHT Git a second shot at you!!! lol!!! that was priceless!!! I could hardly contain my laughter as this "stranger" started digging under the seat pulling out all kinds of interesting stuff that he quickly stuffed back under the seat as I stood over his shoulder watching.

I thought to myself......................This is Red Whackers friend!!!! kewl..............

This should be good.
To this date...............I am amazed at all the stupid people who were connected to her and how she conned all of you.


That would have NEVER happened to DarthSikle. When he found out about it..............he trolled a bunch of you. Count on it. He even trolled me at one point----it was BRILLIANT!!!! I am sooooo wanting to tell everyone but I can't. It took me a full week to realize what he was doing and I was mad for about 5 minutes until I realized it was the TROLL OF THE DECADE.
Then I laughed hysterically.

as in insanely.................

insanely hysterical. I marveled at the beauty of it all.

Rov_is_a_Fag said: that you Darthsikle??? The Harlot??? I thought she is Cranky Bastards wife?

I feel sorry for you being stuck down here.

This is an outrage! I would not stand for it.

Stick up for yourself and demand to be let out!!
^^ARe you kidding?? I have barracaded myself down here for a reason!!!

Hey! Who is Os@m@??? cause he is a good troll, I don't care what the rest of you say.
Rov_is_a_Fag said:
^^ARe you kidding?? I have barracaded myself down here for a reason!!!

Hey! Who is Os@m@??? cause he is a good troll, I don't care what the rest of you say.

He is definately cool.

He is from Brawl Hall
RepoMan? hmm......I didn't think about that. White car today? did the guages work?

I know someone who did that in college. Dangerous bidness!!! I went along for a thrill seeking ride ONE time. That was enough for me.