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RPG game

I don't have Kenny's cell number messenger. I can't be on serving team tomorrow cause I have to work and will have to go to late service.
^I have always stood on my own, I do not let others determine who I am or who I will become. This is my life and no one know how to live it better than me. I trust my instincts, they have served me well.

I have been beaten down by malicious people I do not even know, people who are so cowardly they have gone to great lengths to try to ruin me, to do cruel things to me.
I am different than most people in that I have a stronger sense of what is right/wrong, I have felt pain that that is so great it has cut to my very core. I know how it feels to die inside. I am also a fighter, I know courage, perseverance and determination. I am one of the most forgiving people you will ever meet, but I am also one of the fiercest fighters. I have been through more tribulations in the last three years than 90% of you would ever be able to endure.

I know that.

I also know it is time to heal and I need help with it which is why I am taking the steps I have been taking. I have the survival instincts to know when I need help and when to stand on my own.

It is the difference between me and a lot of you.

I am a survivor.
I also think it is funny when people say............Move on, cut your losses.

The point they haven't been able to grasp in all of this is:

I should never have incurred these losses. If not for maliciousness on the behalf of them, I wouldn't have incurred the great losses I have. The reason they say...............move because it scares them to death to think they would have to go through the same.
If what has happened to me ever happens to anyone else and I am not just talking about the divorce, criminal charges, financial loss, betrayal, death threats, pure maliciousness..........just to name a few...............I would tell you to fight like you have never fought before.

But that is I said, I am not a COWARD, I am a fighter, especially when it comes to my survival and life.
Just as the American people took it to the terrorists who used our airplanes to crash into our buildings so they could ruin thousands, if not millions of lives.............they did it intentionally and with malice.

It is up to you whether you wring your hands and let them get away with it.................or you take a stand and take the fight to them.

90% of you would't have the courage to face them down, root them out of their hiding places.
Another example of this would be when the Americans went to war ..........the Afghani's who surrendered right away we took in, treated humanely (for the most part), we treated them with dignity. The others who dug in and kept up the fight.............we went after. Why?? Because we didn't know who they are and what they would do next.

The online and real life terrorists won their war with me in TN, I threw in the towel, walked away, cut my losses only to have it thrown in my face when I got here. When that happened I knew I had a real battle on my hands, I went after them, rooted them out of their hiding places because I didn't know who they are and what they would do next.

The end goal is the same. If possible, make sure your enemies do not have the opportunity to do even more damage than they already have.
So to the Mike's and Robert's and all the others who say ................Move on, cut your losses...................I say this to all of you. As soon as I find out who all of you are, what your motives are/were and make sure I put a stop to all of you so that I will have some kind of peace of mind that you will not do something else in the future. They also said............have they done anything to you lately?? What difference does it make?? they have done enough, I still don't know what their motives are/were and if they will do something else in the future.
That is why I have done and will do what I have to.
That includes everyone. Just remember....................YOU...not ME........started this. YOu gave me no choice in the matter.

I am going to finish it.