As of right now, Safari is faster than every other browser currently available, including Chrome.
I have basically blown away by the "Reader" feature - I'm never reading any news site any other way, ever. It makes any terrible site design readable and pleasant.
Safari supremacy.
Further said:Personally I have no use for that feature, and found no easy way to disable it in Safari.
All kinds of reasons eh? Remind me again who started this thread? You know, the one about how Safari is better than all other web browsers because it scored 3% higher in Javascript performance in Apple run benchmarks.
As of right now, Safari is faster than every other browser currently available, including Chrome.
So I take it this thread was created merely because you just happened to have run benchmarks in your head comparing Safari's speed to every other browser currently available and wanted to share the results yes? Not at all because you read any one of the hundreds of news articles posted mere hours before you started this thread about Apple's Safari 5 press release in which was clearly stated AND I QUOTE "...Safari 5 on the Mac runs JavaScript 30 percent faster than Safari 4, three percent faster than Chrome 5.0..."
Just admit that you started this thread because of the Apple press release claiming Safari 5 was 3% faster than Chrome. Go on, do it, you won't loose any Apple Fanboy cred.