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Safari For Windows

The Question

Using it right now... it's actually not bad. Not bad at all. Only real gripe is it doesn't recognize my mouse's "back" button.
I've used it on a Mac system for non creatives and also on a brand spanking new G5 just today - it sucked both times. This is of course, a personal opinion as it did function, reasonably well, I just hated it.
Can it do tabbed browsing?
Does 'ctrl-tab' and 'ctrl-shift-tab' allow me to browse through my tabs?
Can I type 'alt-d' to kick me to the address bar? (Yes, I know that F6 also works.)

If no to any of the above, Safari = FAIL.
(Coincidentally, Firefox on Macs don't have the 'alt-d' shortcut. It irks me to no end.)
So Safari on Windows is the version 3 public beta, so there are bits and pieces of it that don't quite add up to scratch yet, but it's pretty badass. Yup, tabbed browsing, although i'm not sure about the keyboard shortcuts yet.

One thing I did do was hit a bunch of pages and time the rendering between Safari 3, Firefox 2.0, and IE7, and on three separate PCs Safari beat them all. Pretty cool, for a development house that has two other applications for windows.
Yeah, I must admit that for a beta, it actually isn't all that bad. Speedwise, it kicks ass. As far as the hardware input goes, it's got a way to go yet. Time for Apple to catch up to mice with "back" buttons. They may have invented the damn thing, but you'd think they'd keep on inventing it instead of slipping behind on something so crucial to the computing environment.
Well, speedwise is meh for me. The initial page load is ridiculously long. Firefox snaps to each page quickly. Plus, the fonts in Safari are godawful. I have an LCD flat panel, and the fonts are just, I don't know, fluffy and bloated.

Competition is always good, though I doubt I'll bother trying out Safari. I don't use Windows all that much anymore, and I doubt they're putting out a Linux version anytime soon. And Firefox usually works pretty well, aside from being a resource hog.
omg who here has an iGoogle homepage with more than three widgets on it? my poor powerPC G4 1.67MHz gets bogged down to 80% proc use on that page alone... stupid browsers.