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beer, I want beer
SAINTLUCIFER is feeling lonely this evening. Which lady shall be the first to hear him sing the following song?

All Alone... (x16)


Snatch a piece of my wonderin'
Distant-far like yonderin'
Skin of my tooth like
Seat of my boot like
Fly in my soup like
Where's the waitress?
Can't take this, really can't finish this
These ears and all these graces
It's my mistake, i make it
J-dub to the boom now make it
Bounce-wiggle bounce-wiggle
Shakin' all them bangs out
Chemical cutthroats
Bound to blow the brain out
Cut to the brain
This ain't no game
I'll show no shame
I'll birth this blame
I'm twisted cain
I'll twist again
I'll push the blade
As plain as day
Known to what these sayers say
Known to what these doers do
We shoot where who and you-know-where
We's about to take it there
We's about to make it clear
We happy or we lonesome
The long jump, the beat heart, from start to finish
Ten spoons of spinach
The soul and the spillage
The cup that runneth ovah
Return of the "OH GOD!"


Close your eyes and see
When there ain't no light
All you'll ever be
Come on save the night
'Cause i don't believe
When the morning comes, it doesn't
Seem to say an awful lot to me

Yes I am allllll alone. *sniffle* Stuck here in DAYCARE all my lonesome. No way to get at the ugly bitches who roam this site. Better to fuck an ugly bitch's brains out than to sit here being bored to tears. No hockey. No football. No soccer. No baseball. This is torture. Ho hum.
bad dog said:
Get stoned and drunk luci. I am.

Naw. I shall do that tomorrow. I never do that on a worknight. It is not exactly a good idea on my part. My brains need to be 100% for my job (knows he has walked right into a minefield of smartass bitch remarks).
Enkephalen said:
Are you calling me ugly?

Uh, I meant the ladies whom I could see dearest. I most certainly was not talking about you! Never! Bite your tongue. Now come here and give me a hug my precious ENKIE!! Me so in love!
What's with the Leviticus and Deuteronomy crap??? Is that you Sadie B?? Feeling lonely tonight?? Wanting to spank some horny chick?? hook her up to a battery while you give her a wine enema??

FederalAgent007 said:
What's with the Leviticus and Deuteronomy crap??? Is that you Sadie B?? Feeling lonely tonight?? Wanting to spank some horny chick?? hook her up to a battery while you give her a wine enema??


I knew it! You do not see? I SENSED you would be coming so I sang for you a ballad in the hopes you would be willing to part your creaky old arthritic legs for me! Obviously it worked because you seem rather horny there sweetums! Now if you would just open those legs a lot more. *covers my ears to block out the creaking and groaning noise* Come on on now babe! Just a little more!! Keep opening that drawbridge! Oh no! You created a yellow moat around that drawbridge! Don't worry. BAD DOG will lap all of that up for us. Keep creaking, er I mean opening! There we go! Now if you will excuse me but I need to get one MANGETARD for you. He is over in SPEAK FREELY.