Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
As I have pulled the greatest troll of all time, I will no doubt be PERMABANNED this time. Excellent. Everything worked exactly as I planned it. Let there be no doubt SAINTLUCIFER is GOD!!! I have proved this to be fact this day. I demand TK devote MAY 23 as the day all of TROLL KINGDOM was severely trolled by one individual. I even used someone else's method and bettered her ways!! JILLIAN? Learn from the master that is I, the great SAINTLUCIFER!! I have used YOUR methods but with MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better results. This means even without actually intending to do so, I have PWNED you.
Luci dear? You aren't supposed to be posting those links to that pop up stuff all over. I'm pretty sure you knew that.

SaintLucifer said:
As I have pulled the greatest troll of all time, I will no doubt be PERMABANNED this time. Excellent. Everything worked exactly as I planned it. Let there be no doubt SAINTLUCIFER is GOD!!! I have proved this to be fact this day. I demand TK devote MAY 23 as the day all of TROLL KINGDOM was severely trolled by one individual. I even used someone else's method and bettered her ways!! JILLIAN? Learn from the master that is I, the great SAINTLUCIFER!! I have used YOUR methods but with MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better results. This means even without actually intending to do so, I have PWNED you.

This sounds cool...what was the troll? What did you do?
As I am certain I am to be permabanned this time for pulling such a great troll (those denizens of TROLLWARS will learn of this) I shall be bidding you all adieu. I will be checking in from time to time in order to determine if this is in fact a permaban. If it is, so be it. If it is not, I shall leave DC when the time is right. Don't forget me people! THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME THAT WAS NEVER TRULY A TROLL!! Damn that must piss you all off. I have admitted from time to time that I was no troll, yet I have succeeded in pulling the greatest troll of all time. What is worse is the fact they bought all that legal shit I borrowed from JILLIAN. Christ. I mocked JACK for doing such a thing. Why would I suddenly do it. I was certain you people were going to bring that up. I was quite surprised you never did. *INSERT HOOK INTO THE MOUTHS OF EVERY TK DENIZEN*.

Ever wonder why I kept asking RWC where he got that 'SAMIR' information from you stupid fucks? He KNEW what I was attempting. What he did not know was the fact I wanted him to be the catalyst as he had all of that information. He refused to bite. I will give him that. Smart. TAMAR on the other hand not only bit, but she fucking CHOMPED!! When MESSEDUP revealed that information about her being an ADMIN at WORDFORGE, I knew I had a plan. She walked right into it. *ROTFLMAO, the waves at the dumbass TAMAR* Stupid bitch failed to realise RWC already had access to the information he posted. He was smart enough not to post it so I could not sucker him in. TAMAR, with the brains of a gnat TUMBLED into my plan. *blows TAMAR a kiss* Thank you sweetie. I owe you that one.

*stands before the podium to accept my WORLD'S GREATEST TROLL award* Ahem. Well I had no acceptance speech prepared so I shall just wing it. I would like to thank the ADMINS for not banning me immediately (look at the time people - what Admins would be around for fuck's sake, that should have tipped you off something was amiss). I would like to thank MESSEDUP for opening the door to a plan (he offered up the information that TAMAR was an Admin at Wordforge which meant she had information I knew she would use - think about the timing MESSEDUP you dumbass. RIGHT AFTER you posted that Wordforge info I began to 'go wild'). I should like to thank TAMAR herself who actually went above and beyond what I expected and revealed information I had offered to supply myself many times. *blows kisses to TAMAR* Fuck. I hate to admit this TAMAR but you are truly the stupidest woman I have ever seen. I also would like to thank MANDI for ALMOST being right. She is proof I used JILLIAN's own methods. *dips MANDI and smothers her with kisses* What amazes me is the fact that post of hers did not get anyone thinking. MANDI displays intellect. I shall take this honour and show it all about the internet as proof that the 'intellectuals' of TROLL KINGDOM are easily fooled. I shall also display it as proof I am GOD!! Until then, have a good life discussing the GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME! *flips JILLIAN the bird* I told you not to fuck with me bitch. They said you were the best in that little poll between you and I. We shall see about that now cunt.
missmanners said:
Luci dear? You aren't supposed to be posting those links to that pop up stuff all over. I'm pretty sure you knew that.


Pfft. Away with you bitch. I OWN this site and you know it. I have proved it this day.
SaintLucifer said:
I OWN this site ........

Are you trying to make people think you are one of my duals Luci? Because I think most people will know you're fibbing. It would be nice if you could take care of this months server bill though. Oh yeah and pay the usual bribes?

Thank you dear....

have a cookie and a nice day. I'll be letting you out of here maybe tonight.

SaintLucifer said:
As I am certain I am to be permabanned this time for pulling such a great troll (those denizens of TROLLWARS will learn of this) I shall be bidding you all adieu. I will be checking in from time to time in order to determine if this is in fact a permaban. If it is, so be it. If it is not, I shall leave DC when the time is right. Don't forget me people! THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME THAT WAS NEVER TRULY A TROLL!! Damn that must piss you all off. I have admitted from time to time that I was no troll, yet I have succeeded in pulling the greatest troll of all time. What is worse is the fact they bought all that legal shit I borrowed from JILLIAN. Christ. I mocked JACK for doing such a thing. Why would I suddenly do it. I was certain you people were going to bring that up. I was quite surprised you never did. *INSERT HOOK INTO THE MOUTHS OF EVERY TK DENIZEN*.

Ever wonder why I kept asking RWC where he got that 'SAMIR' information from you stupid fucks? He KNEW what I was attempting. What he did not know was the fact I wanted him to be the catalyst as he had all of that information. He refused to bite. I will give him that. Smart. TAMAR on the other hand not only bit, but she fucking CHOMPED!! When MESSEDUP revealed that information about her being an ADMIN at WORDFORGE, I knew I had a plan. She walked right into it. *ROTFLMAO, the waves at the dumbass TAMAR* Stupid bitch failed to realise RWC already had access to the information he posted. He was smart enough not to post it so I could not sucker him in. TAMAR, with the brains of a gnat TUMBLED into my plan. *blows TAMAR a kiss* Thank you sweetie. I owe you that one.

*stands before the podium to accept my WORLD'S GREATEST TROLL award* Ahem. Well I had no acceptance speech prepared so I shall just wing it. I would like to thank the ADMINS for not banning me immediately (look at the time people - what Admins would be around for fuck's sake, that should have tipped you off something was amiss). I would like to thank MESSEDUP for opening the door to a plan (he offered up the information that TAMAR was an Admin at Wordforge which meant she had information I knew she would use - think about the timing MESSEDUP you dumbass. RIGHT AFTER you posted that Wordforge info I began to 'go wild'). I should like to thank TAMAR herself who actually went above and beyond what I expected and revealed information I had offered to supply myself many times. *blows kisses to TAMAR* Fuck. I hate to admit this TAMAR but you are truly the stupidest woman I have ever seen. I also would like to thank MANDI for ALMOST being right. She is proof I used JILLIAN's own methods. *dips MANDI and smothers her with kisses* What amazes me is the fact that post of hers did not get anyone thinking. MANDI displays intellect. I shall take this honour and show it all about the internet as proof that the 'intellectuals' of TROLL KINGDOM are easily fooled. I shall also display it as proof I am GOD!! Until then, have a good life discussing the GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME! *flips JILLIAN the bird* I told you not to fuck with me bitch. They said you were the best in that little poll between you and I. We shall see about that now cunt.

I enjoyed reading that; well done.