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See if you know the answer to this question!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
What happens when you take a 2-year old, put him in the hot sun all day on the beach, and let me run around in the water. You then add pizza, french fries, cotton candy (which he's never had before) and top it off with ice cream. In between all that eating, you put him on rides that spin, shake, move up and down, and drop from huge heights. To finish it off, you put him in the car and sit in traffic for 3 hours.

So what happens? And: What does your car smell like the next morning?

^^^I felt so bad for my boy, he was miserable already, then he was covered in vomit, and I had to strip him down in a rest stop parking lot. Not fun for him. I could tell he was upset because he was a clingy little monkey when we got home, and he's usually independant and fearless. He's ok this morning, though.
And only 2? Oh he's hardcore - in a way, you should be proud. One slice of pizza and I have to stay off comfy shoes for hours, not to mention rotating platforms.
*voice of experience*:
dab white vinegar on the -ahem - afflicted sections for the smell in the car. works.
^^Thanks for the tip, I managed to get the smell out by removing and washing the car seat cover, hosing off the carseat and belt straps, using leather wipes on the seats, and liberal spraying of Febreze throughout all the carpeted areas. I left all the windows (including the cargo area window) and sunroof open in the garage all night, and it smells fine now.

I'm sure it'll happen again, though, so thanks for the Vinegar tip!
cognac said:
And only 2? Oh he's hardcore - in a way, you should be proud. One slice of pizza and I have to stay off comfy shoes for hours, not to mention rotating platforms.

The log flume we went on would have given pause to most adults. It was a STEEP drop and fast as lightning. He was laughing and clapping when we got off. We bought the picture they take on the way down-he has a look of horror on his face, but he loved it so much he wanted to go on again. He's just like my brother, he was always fearless like that.
^^ Some got it, some don't. Though, I have to say, it is mildly annoying when toddlers about as tall as your shinbone sprint towards CertainDeathMegadrop while you yourself stand in line for the choo choo.

No daddy is NOT a pussy... au courant. A grown up word. Like a big strong lion, but with an inner ear thing.
An alternative for the scent sensitive:
(Febreeze has perfume in it.)
Clean up vomit and let the car dry out. Then spread baking soda liberally, let sit overnight, then vacuum out. Baking soda absorbs odors and won't damage the fabric or change the color.
or you could do like I do when I throw up in the through the car wash with all the windows down ;)